Source code for eradiate.config._settings

from __future__ import annotations

import enum
import importlib.resources
import typing as t
from pathlib import Path

from dynaconf import Dynaconf, Validator

from ._env import ENV, SOURCE_DIR
from ..frame import AzimuthConvention

[docs] class ProgressLevel(enum.IntEnum): """ An enumeration defining valid progress levels. This is an integer enumeration, meaning that levels can be compared to numerics. """
[docs] @staticmethod def convert(value: t.Any) -> ProgressLevel: """ Attempt conversion of a value to an :class:`.ProgressLevel` instance. The conversion protocol is as follows: * If ``value`` is a string, it is converted to upper case and passed to the indexing operator of :class:`.ProgressLevel`. * If ``value`` is an integer, it is passed to the call operator of :class:`.ProgressLevel`. * If ``value`` is a :class:`.ProgressLevel` instance, it is returned without change. * Otherwise, the method raises an exception. Parameters ---------- value Value to attempt conversion of. Returns ------- Converted value Raises ------ TypeError If no conversion protocol exists for ``value``. """ if isinstance(value, ProgressLevel): return value elif isinstance(value, str): return ProgressLevel[value.upper()] elif isinstance(value, int): return ProgressLevel(value) else: raise TypeError(f"Cannot convert a {type(value)} instance to ProgressLevel")
NONE = 0 #: No progress SPECTRAL_LOOP = #: Up to spectral loop level progress KERNEL = #: Up to kernel level progress
def _default_download_dir(): return ( Path("./eradiate_downloads").absolute().resolve() if SOURCE_DIR is None else SOURCE_DIR / ".eradiate_downloads" ) DEFAULTS = importlib.resources.files("eradiate.config").joinpath(f"{ENV}.toml") #: Main settings data structure. See the `Dynaconf documentation <>`_ #: for details. settings = Dynaconf( settings_files=[DEFAULTS, "eradiate.toml"], envvar_prefix="ERADIATE", merge_enabled=True, validate_on_update=True, validators=[ Validator("AZIMUTH_CONVENTION", cast=AzimuthConvention.convert), Validator("DATA_STORE_URL", cast=str), Validator( "DOWNLOAD_DIR", default=_default_download_dir(), cast=lambda x: Path(x).resolve(), ), Validator("OFFLINE", cast=bool), Validator("PROGRESS", cast=ProgressLevel.convert), Validator("SMALL_FILES_REGISTRY_URL", cast=str), Validator("SMALL_FILES_REGISTRY_REVISION", cast=str), ], )