Source code for

Manage files stored in the ``eradiate-data`` repository.

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import typing as t
from pathlib import Path

import attrs

from ._core import DataStore, load_rules, make_registry, registry_from_file
from ..attrs import define, documented
from ..exceptions import DataError
from ..typing import PathLike

[docs] @define class SafeDirectoryDataStore(DataStore): """ Serve files stored in a directory. This data store will only serve files listed in its registry. """ path: Path = documented( attrs.field(converter=lambda x: Path(x).absolute()), type="Path", init_type="path-like", doc="Path to the root of the directory referenced by this data store.", ) registry_fname: Path = documented( attrs.field(default="registry.txt", converter=Path), type="Path", init_type="path-like", default='"registry.txt"', doc="Path to the registry file, relative to `path`.", ) @registry_fname.validator def _registry_fname_validator(self, attribute, value: Path): if value.is_absolute(): raise ValueError( f"while validating '{}': " "only paths relative to the store root path are allowed" ) _registry: dict = attrs.field(factory=dict, converter=dict, repr=False, init=False) def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.registry_reload() @property def base_url(self) -> str: # Inherit docstring return str(self.path) @property def registry(self) -> dict: # Inherit docstring return self._registry
[docs] def registry_files( self, filter: t.Callable[[t.Any], bool] | None = None ) -> list[str]: # Inherit docstring raise NotImplementedError
@property def registry_path(self) -> Path: """ Path: Path to the registry file. """ return self.path / self.registry_fname
[docs] def registry_make(self) -> None: """ Generate a registry file from the contents of the ``self.path`` directory, according to inclusion and exclusion rules defined in the ``self.path / "registry_rules.yml"`` file. The generated registry is written to ``self.path / self.registry_fname``. """ # Load include and exclude rules rules = load_rules(self.path / "registry_rules.yml") # Write registry make_registry( self.path, self.registry_path, includes=rules["include"], excludes=rules["exclude"], )
[docs] def registry_fetch(self) -> Path: """ Get the absolute path to the registry file. If no file exists, one will be created based on the rules contained defined in ``self.path / "registry_rules.yml"``. """ filename = self.registry_path if not filename.is_file(): self.registry_make() return filename
[docs] def registry_delete(self): """ Delete the registry file. """ os.remove(self.path / self.registry_fname)
[docs] def registry_reload(self) -> None: """ Reload the registry file from the hard drive. """ self._registry = registry_from_file(self.registry_fetch())
[docs] def fetch(self, filename: PathLike, **kwargs) -> Path: # No kwargs are actually accepted if kwargs: keyword = next(iter(kwargs.keys())) raise TypeError(f"fetch() got an unexpected keyword argument '{keyword}'") fname = Path(filename).as_posix() if fname in self.registry: return self.path / fname else: raise DataError(f"file '{fname}' is not in the registry")