Source code for eradiate.plot

from __future__ import annotations

import typing as t
import warnings

import matplotlib.pyplot as _plt
import numpy as np
import xarray.plot
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from xarray.plot import FacetGrid

[docs] def set_style(rc=None): """ Apply Eradiate Matplotlib style (the Seaborn ``ticks`` style with the viridis colormap). Parameters ---------- rc : dict, optional A Matplotlib rc parameter dictionary to be applied in addition to the Eradiate style. """ try: import seaborn except ModuleNotFoundError: warnings.warn( "To use Eradiate's Matplotlib style, you must install Seaborn.\n" "See instructions on" ) raise if rc is None: rc = {} seaborn.set_theme(style="ticks", rc={"image.cmap": "viridis", **rc})
[docs] def detect_axes(from_=None): """ Try and extract a :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` list from a data structure. Parameters ---------- from_ : matplotlib figure or axes or list of axes or :class:`xarray.plot.FacetGrid`, optional Data structure to get an :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` list from. If unset, :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.gca()` is used. Returns ------- list of matplotlib axes Extracted list of :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`. Raises ------ TypeError If ``from_`` is of unsupported type. """ if from_ is None: from_ = _plt.gca() if isinstance(from_, Figure): return from_.axes if isinstance(from_, Axes): return [from_] if isinstance(from_, FacetGrid): return list(from_.axes.flatten()) if isinstance(from_, list): if all([isinstance(x, Axes) for x in from_]): return from_ raise TypeError("unsupported type")
[docs] def get_axes_from_facet_grid( facet_grid: xarray.plot.FacetGrid, exclude: str = None ) -> list[Axes]: """ Extract a flat list of :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` from a :class:`~xarray.plot.FacetGrid`. Parameters ---------- facet_grid : :class:`xarray.plot.FacetGrid` Object to extract a list of :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`. exclude : str, optional Exclude selected :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` from the returned list. Supported values: * ``"lower_left"``: exclude lower-left corner. Returns ------- list of matplotlib axes List of extracted :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` objects. """ index = np.full((facet_grid.axes.size,), True, dtype=bool) n_rows, n_cols = facet_grid.axes.shape # This filtering system can be extended in the future if exclude == "lower_left": index[(n_rows - 1) * n_cols] = False return list(facet_grid.axes.flatten()[index])
[docs] def remove_xylabels(from_=None) -> None: """ Remove x- and y-axis labels from ``from_`` (processed by :func:`detect_axes`). Parameters ---------- from_ : matplotlib figure or axes or list of axes or :class:`xarray.plot.FacetGrid`, optional Data structure to get an :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` list from. If unset, :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.gca()` is used. See Also -------- :func:`detect_axes` """ for ax in detect_axes(from_): ax.set_xlabel("") ax.set_ylabel("")
[docs] def remove_xyticks(from_=None) -> None: """ Remove x and y axis tick labels from ``from_`` (processed by :func:`detect_axes`). Parameters ---------- from_ : matplotlib figure or axes or list of axes or :class:`xarray.plot.FacetGrid`, optional Data structure to get an :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` list from. If unset, :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.gca()` is used. See Also -------- :func:`detect_axes` """ for ax in detect_axes(from_): ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False)
[docs] def make_ticks(num_ticks: int, limits: t.Sequence[float]): """ Generate ticks and their respective tickmarks. Parameters ---------- num_ticks : int Number of ticks to generate, including the limits of the given range limits : tuple[float, float] List of two values, limiting the ticks inclusive Returns ------ steps : list of float Values for the ticks. marks : list of str Tick values converted to degrees as string tickmarks. """ step_width = float(limits[1] - limits[0]) / (num_ticks - 1) steps = [limits[0] + step_width * i for i in range(num_ticks)] marks = [f"{i / np.pi * 180}°" for i in steps] return steps, marks