Source code for eradiate.scenes.atmosphere._core

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Literal

import attrs
import mitsuba as mi
import numpy as np
import pint
import xarray as xr

from ..core import (
from ..geometry import PlaneParallelGeometry, SceneGeometry, SphericalShellGeometry
from ..phase import PhaseFunction
from ..shapes import Shape
from ..._factory import Factory
from ...attrs import define, documented, get_doc
from ...contexts import KernelContext
from ...kernel import (
from ...radprops import AbsorptionDatabase, ZGrid
from ...spectral.index import SpectralIndex
from ...units import symbol
from ...units import unit_context_config as ucc
from ...units import unit_context_kernel as uck
from ...units import unit_registry as ureg
from ...util.misc import flatten

atmosphere_factory = Factory()

[docs] @define(eq=False, slots=False) class Atmosphere(CompositeSceneElement, ABC): """ Abstract base class defining common facilities for all atmospheres. An atmosphere expands as a :class:`mitsuba.PhaseFunction`, a :class:`mitsuba.Medium` and a :class:`mitsuba.Shape`. """ id: str | None = documented( attrs.field( default="atmosphere", validator=attrs.validators.optional(attrs.validators.instance_of(str)), ), doc=get_doc(SceneElement, "id", "doc"), type=get_doc(SceneElement, "id", "type"), init_type=get_doc(SceneElement, "id", "init_type"), default='"atmosphere"', ) geometry: SceneGeometry = documented( attrs.field( default="plane_parallel", converter=SceneGeometry.convert, validator=attrs.validators.instance_of(SceneGeometry), ), doc="Parameters defining the basic geometry of the scene. " "Note if the atmosphere is used in a simulation, the experiment has " "all control over the atmosphere's geometry and is going to set it. " "Therefore, in such a case it is best to define the geometry at the " "experiment level. When the atmosphere is used standalone, care must " "be taken to ensure that the geometry is consistent with the vertical " "extent of the atmosphere.", type=".SceneGeometry", init_type=".SceneGeometry or dict or str, optional", default='"plane_parallel"', ) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Properties # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def bottom_altitude(self) -> pint.Quantity: """ Returns ------- quantity Atmosphere bottom altitude. """ return self.geometry.ground_altitude @property def top_altitude(self) -> pint.Quantity: """ Returns ------- quantity Atmosphere top altitude. """ return self.geometry.toa_altitude @property def height(self) -> pint.Quantity: """ Returns ------- quantity Atmosphere height. """ return self.top_altitude - self.bottom_altitude @property @abstractmethod def phase(self) -> PhaseFunction: """ Returns ------- .PhaseFunction Phase function associated with the atmosphere. """ pass # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Spatial and thermophysical properties # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @abstractmethod def eval_mfp(self, ctx: KernelContext) -> pint.Quantity: """ Compute a typical scattering mean free path. This rough estimate can be used *e.g.* to compute a distance guaranteeing that the medium can be considered optically thick. Parameters ---------- ctx : :class:`.KernelContext` A context data structure containing parameters relevant for kernel dictionary generation. Returns ------- mfp : quantity Mean free path estimate. """ pass
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Kernel dictionary generation # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def shape(self) -> Shape: """ Returns ------- .Shape Shape associated with this atmosphere, based on the scene geometry. """ return self.geometry.atmosphere_shape @property def shape_id(self): """ Returns ------- str ID of the shape associated with the atmosphere in the Mitsuba scene tree. """ return f"shape_{}" @property def medium_id(self): """ Returns ------- str ID of the medium associated with the atmosphere in the Mitsuba scene tree. """ return f"medium_{}" @property def phase_id(self): """ Returns ------- str ID of the phase function associated with the atmosphere in the Mitsuba scene tree. """ return f"phase_{}" @property @abstractmethod def _template_phase(self) -> dict: """ Returns ------- dict The phase function-related contribution to the kernel scene dictionary template for the atmosphere. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def _template_medium(self) -> dict: """ Returns ------- dict The medium-related contribution to the kernel scene dictionary template for the atmosphere. """ pass @property def _template_shape(self) -> dict: """ Returns ------- dict The shape-related contribution to the kernel scene dictionary template for the atmosphere. """ template, _ = traverse(self.shape) return @property def template(self) -> dict: # Inherit docstring result = flatten( { self.phase_id: self._template_phase, self.medium_id: self._template_medium, self.shape_id: self._template_shape, } ) result.update( { f"{self.medium_id}.phase.type": "ref", f"{self.medium_id}": self.phase_id, f"{self.shape_id}.bsdf.type": "null", f"{self.shape_id}.interior.type": "ref", f"{self.shape_id}": self.medium_id, } ) return result @property @abstractmethod def _params_phase(self) -> dict[str, UpdateParameter]: """ Returns ------- dict The phase function-related contribution to the parameter update map template for the atmosphere. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def _params_medium(self) -> dict[str, UpdateParameter]: """ Returns ------- dict The medium-related contribution to the parameter update map template for the atmosphere. """ pass @property def _params_shape(self) -> dict[str, UpdateParameter]: """ Returns ------- dict The shape-related contribution to the parameter update map template for the atmosphere. """ _, umap = traverse(self.shape) return @property def params(self) -> dict[str, UpdateParameter]: # Inherit docstring return flatten( { self.medium_id: { **self._params_medium, "phase_function": self._params_phase, }, self.shape_id: self._params_shape, } )
[docs] @define(eq=False, slots=False) class AbstractHeterogeneousAtmosphere(Atmosphere, ABC): """ Abstract base class for heterogeneous atmospheres. """ scale: float | None = documented( attrs.field( default=None, kw_only=True, converter=attrs.converters.optional(float), validator=attrs.validators.optional(attrs.validators.instance_of(float)), ), doc="If set, the extinction coefficient is scaled by the corresponding " "amount during computation.", type="float or None", init_type="float, optional", ) force_majorant: bool = documented( attrs.field( default=False, kw_only=True, converter=attrs.converters.optional(bool), validator=attrs.validators.optional(attrs.validators.instance_of(bool)), ), doc="If set to true, uses heterogeneous medium, which is compatible with all " "integrators except PiecewiseVolpathIntegrator. Otherwise, uses a piecewise medium which " "is compatible with PiecewiseVolPathIntegrator and other integrators. This setting " "only affects PlaneParallelGeometry, other geometries use heterogeneous mediums.", type="bool", init_type="bool, optional", )
[docs] def update(self) -> None: """ Update internal state. """ pass
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Spatial and thermophysical properties # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Nothing at the moment # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Radiative properties # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def absorption_data(self) -> AbsorptionDatabase | None: """ Returns ------- .AbsorptionDatabase or None If relevant, the molecular absorption database associated with this atmosphere. """ return None
[docs] def eval_radprops( self, si: SpectralIndex, zgrid: ZGrid | None = None, optional_fields: bool = False, ) -> xr.Dataset: """ Evaluate the extinction coefficients and albedo profiles. Parameters ---------- si : .SpectralIndex Spectral index. zgrid : .ZGrid, optional Altitude grid on which evaluation is performed. If unset, an instance-specific default is used (see :meth:`zgrid <.AbstractHeterogeneousAtmosphere.zgrid>`). optional_fields : bool, optional, default: False If ``True``, also output the absorption and scattering coefficients, not required for scene setup but useful for analysis and debugging. Returns ------- Dataset A dataset with the following variables: * ``sigma_t``: extinction coefficient; * ``albedo``: albedo; * ``sigma_a``: absorption coefficient (optional); * ``sigma_s``: scattering coefficient (optional). and coordinates: * ``z``: altitude. """ if zgrid is None: zgrid = self.geometry.zgrid sigma_units = ucc.get("collision_coefficient") sigma_t = self.eval_sigma_t(si, zgrid).reshape(zgrid.layers.shape) albedo = self.eval_albedo(si, zgrid).m_as(ureg.dimensionless) data_vars = { "sigma_t": ( "z_layer", sigma_t.m_as(sigma_units), { "units": f"{symbol(sigma_units)}", "standard_name": "extinction_coefficient", "long_name": "extinction coefficient", }, ), "albedo": ( "z_layer", albedo, { "standard_name": "albedo", "long_name": "albedo", "units": "", }, ), } if optional_fields: data_vars.update( { "sigma_a": ( "z_layer", sigma_t.m_as(sigma_units) * (1.0 - albedo), { "units": f"{symbol(sigma_units)}", "standard_name": "absorption_coefficient", "long_name": "absorption coefficient", }, ), "sigma_s": ( "z_layer", sigma_t.m_as(sigma_units) * albedo, { "units": f"{symbol(sigma_units)}", "standard_name": "scattering_coefficient", "long_name": "scattering coefficient", }, ), } ) return xr.Dataset( data_vars, coords={ "z_layer": ( "z_layer", zgrid.layers.magnitude, { "units": f"{symbol(zgrid.layers.units)}", "standard_name": "layer_altitude", "long_name": "layer altitude", }, ) }, )
[docs] @abstractmethod def eval_albedo( self, si: SpectralIndex, zgrid: ZGrid | None = None ) -> pint.Quantity: """ Evaluate albedo spectrum based on a spectral context. This method dispatches evaluation to specialized methods depending on the active mode. Parameters ---------- si : :class:`.SpectralIndex` Spectral index. zgrid : .ZGrid, optional Altitude grid on which evaluation is performed. If unset, an instance-specific default is used (see :meth:`zgrid <.AbstractHeterogeneousAtmosphere.zgrid>`). Returns ------- quantity Evaluated spectrum as an array with length equal to the number of layers. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def eval_sigma_t( self, si: SpectralIndex, zgrid: ZGrid | None = None ) -> pint.Quantity: """ Evaluate extinction coefficient given a spectral context. Parameters ---------- si : :class:`.SpectralIndex` Spectral index. zgrid : .ZGrid, optional Altitude grid on which evaluation is performed. If unset, an instance-specific default is used (see :meth:`zgrid <.AbstractHeterogeneousAtmosphere.zgrid>`). Returns ------- quantity Particle layer extinction coefficient. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def eval_sigma_a( self, si: SpectralIndex, zgrid: ZGrid | None = None ) -> pint.Quantity: """ Evaluate absorption coefficient given a spectral context. Parameters ---------- si : :class:`.SpectralIndex` Spectral index. zgrid : .ZGrid, optional Altitude grid on which evaluation is performed. If unset, an instance-specific default is used (see :meth:`zgrid <.AbstractHeterogeneousAtmosphere.zgrid>`). Returns ------- quantity Particle layer extinction coefficient. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def eval_sigma_s( self, si: SpectralIndex, zgrid: ZGrid | None = None ) -> pint.Quantity: """ Evaluate scattering coefficient given a spectral context. Parameters ---------- si : :class:`.SpectralIndex` Spectral index. zgrid : .ZGrid, optional Altitude grid on which evaluation is performed. If unset, an instance-specific default is used (see :meth:`zgrid <.AbstractHeterogeneousAtmosphere.zgrid>`). Returns ------- quantity Particle layer scattering coefficient. """ pass
[docs] def eval_transmittance( self, si: SpectralIndex, interaction: Literal["extinction", "absorption", "scattering"] = "extinction", ) -> pint.Quantity: """ Evaluate the atmosphere's transmittance with respect to specific interaction. Parameters ---------- si : :class:`.SpectralIndex` Spectral index. interaction : {"extinction", "absorption", "scattering"}, optional, default: "extinction" Interaction type. Returns ------- quantity Total atmosphere transmittance. """ eval_sigma = { "extinction": self.eval_sigma_t, "absorption": self.eval_sigma_a, "scattering": self.eval_sigma_s, } try: sigma = eval_sigma[interaction](si=si) except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"invalid interaction type '{interaction}', " f"supported: {list(eval_sigma.keys())}" ) dz = np.diff(self.geometry.zgrid.levels) tau = np.sum((sigma * dz).to("1")) return np.exp(-tau)
def eval_transmittance_t(self, si: SpectralIndex) -> pint.Quantity: return self.eval_transmittance(si=si, interaction="extinction") def eval_transmittance_a(self, si: SpectralIndex) -> pint.Quantity: return self.eval_transmittance(si=si, interaction="absorption") def eval_transmittance_s(self, si: SpectralIndex) -> pint.Quantity: return self.eval_transmittance(si=si, interaction="scattering") # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Kernel dictionary generation # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def _template_medium(self) -> dict: # Inherit docstring if isinstance(self.geometry, PlaneParallelGeometry): to_world = self.geometry.atmosphere_volume_to_world medium = "heterogeneous" if self.force_majorant else "piecewise" volumes = { "albedo": { "type": "gridvolume", "grid": InitParameter( lambda ctx: mi.VolumeGrid( np.reshape( self.eval_albedo(, (-1, 1, 1), ).astype(np.float32) ), ), "to_world": to_world, }, "sigma_t": { "type": "gridvolume", "grid": InitParameter( lambda ctx: mi.VolumeGrid( np.reshape( self.eval_sigma_t( uck.get("collision_coefficient") ), (-1, 1, 1), ).astype(np.float32) ), ), "to_world": to_world, }, } elif isinstance(self.geometry, SphericalShellGeometry): volume_rmin = self.geometry.atmosphere_volume_rmin to_world = self.geometry.atmosphere_volume_to_world medium = "heterogeneous" volumes = { "albedo": { "type": "sphericalcoordsvolume", "volume": { "type": "gridvolume", "grid": InitParameter( lambda ctx: mi.VolumeGrid( np.reshape( self.eval_albedo(, (1, 1, -1), ).astype(np.float32) ), ), }, "to_world": to_world, "rmin": volume_rmin, }, "sigma_t": { "type": "sphericalcoordsvolume", "volume": { "type": "gridvolume", "grid": InitParameter( lambda ctx: mi.VolumeGrid( np.reshape( self.eval_sigma_t( uck.get("collision_coefficient") ), (1, 1, -1), ).astype(np.float32) ), ), }, "to_world": to_world, "rmin": volume_rmin, }, } else: raise ValueError( f"unhandled scene geometry type '{type(self.geometry).__name__}'" ) # Create medium dictionary result = { "type": medium, **volumes, # Note: "phase" is deliberately unset, this is left to the # Atmosphere.template property } if self.scale is not None: result["scale"] = self.scale return result @property def _params_medium(self) -> dict[str, UpdateParameter]: # Inherit docstring if isinstance(self.geometry, PlaneParallelGeometry): return { "": UpdateParameter( lambda ctx: np.reshape( self.eval_albedo(, (-1, 1, 1, 1), ).astype(np.float32), UpdateParameter.Flags.SPECTRAL, lookup_strategy=TypeIdLookupStrategy( node_type=mi.Medium, node_id=self.medium_id, parameter_relpath="", ), ), "": UpdateParameter( lambda ctx: np.reshape( self.eval_sigma_t( uck.get("collision_coefficient") ), (-1, 1, 1, 1), ).astype(np.float32), UpdateParameter.Flags.SPECTRAL, lookup_strategy=TypeIdLookupStrategy( node_type=mi.Medium, node_id=self.medium_id, parameter_relpath="", ), ), } elif isinstance(self.geometry, SphericalShellGeometry): return { "": UpdateParameter( lambda ctx: np.reshape( self.eval_albedo(, (1, 1, -1, 1), ).astype(np.float32), UpdateParameter.Flags.SPECTRAL, lookup_strategy=TypeIdLookupStrategy( node_type=mi.Medium, node_id=self.medium_id, parameter_relpath="", ), ), "": UpdateParameter( lambda ctx: np.reshape( self.eval_sigma_t( uck.get("collision_coefficient") ), (1, 1, -1, 1), ).astype(np.float32), UpdateParameter.Flags.SPECTRAL, lookup_strategy=TypeIdLookupStrategy( node_type=mi.Medium, node_id=self.medium_id, parameter_relpath="", ), ), } else: # Shouldn't happen, prevented by validator raise ValueError( f"unhandled scene geometry type '{type(self.geometry).__name__}'" )