Source code for eradiate.scenes.biosphere._discrete

from __future__ import annotations

import itertools
import typing as t
from import MutableMapping
from copy import deepcopy

import attrs
import numpy as np
import pint
import pinttr

from ._core import Canopy, InstancedCanopyElement, biosphere_factory
from ._leaf_cloud import CuboidLeafCloudParams, LeafCloud
from ...attrs import define, documented
from ...units import unit_context_config as ucc

def _instanced_canopy_elements_converter(value):
    Special converter for the DiscreteCanopy.instanced_canopy_elements field.
    if isinstance(value, MutableMapping):
        value["type"] = "instanced"
    return biosphere_factory.convert(value)

[docs] @define(eq=False, slots=False) class DiscreteCanopy(Canopy): """ Discrete canopy scene element [``discrete_canopy``]. A discrete canopy composed of one or several :class:`.CanopyElement` instances. The underlying implementation holds a list of :class:`.InstancedCanopyElement`, allowing for arbitrary cloning of each :class:`.CanopyElement`. The produced canopy can be padded with clones of itself using the :meth:`~.DiscreteCanopy.padded_copy` method. .. admonition:: Class method constructors .. autosummary:: homogeneous leaf_cloud_from_files padded """ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fields # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- instanced_canopy_elements: list[InstancedCanopyElement] = documented( attrs.field( factory=list, converter=lambda value: [ _instanced_canopy_elements_converter(x) for x in pinttr.util.always_iterable(value) ] if not isinstance(value, MutableMapping) else [_instanced_canopy_elements_converter(value)], validator=attrs.validators.deep_iterable( member_validator=attrs.validators.instance_of(InstancedCanopyElement) ), ), doc="List of :class:`.CanopyElement` defining the canopy. Can be " "initialized with a :class:`.InstancedCanopyElement`, which will be " "automatically wrapped into a list. Dictionary-based specifications are " "allowed as well.", type="list of :class:`.InstancedCanopyElement`", default="[]", ) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Kernel dictionary generation # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def _template_bsdfs(self) -> dict: result = {} for element in self.instanced_canopy_elements: result.update(element._template_bsdfs) return result @property def _template_shapes(self) -> dict: result = {} for element in self.instanced_canopy_elements: result.update(element._template_shapes) return result @property def _template_instances(self) -> dict: result = {} for element in self.instanced_canopy_elements: result.update(element._template_instances) return result @property def template(self) -> dict: result = {} for element in self.instanced_canopy_elements: result.update( { **element._template_bsdfs, **element._template_shapes, **element._template_instances, } ) return result @property def _params_instances(self) -> dict: result = {} for element in self.instanced_canopy_elements: result.update(element._params_instances) return result @property def params(self) -> dict: result = {} for element in self.instanced_canopy_elements: result.update( { **element._params_bsdfs, **element._params_shapes, **element._params_instances, } ) return result # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Padding # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def padded_copy(self, padding: int) -> DiscreteCanopy: """ Return a copy of the current canopy padded with additional copies. Parameters ---------- padding : int Amount of padding around the canopy. Must be positive or zero. The resulting padded canopy is a grid of :math:`2 \\times \\mathit{padding} + 1` copies. Returns ------- .DiscreteCanopy Padded copy of self. """ if padding < 0: raise ValueError("padding must be >= 0") if padding == 0: return self # We'll return a copy result = deepcopy(self) # Convenience aliases config_length = ucc.get("length") x_size, y_size = result.size.m_as(config_length)[:2] padding_factors = np.array(list(range(-padding, padding + 1))) for instanced_canopy_element in result.instanced_canopy_elements: # More convenience aliases old_instance_positions = instanced_canopy_element.instance_positions.m_as( config_length ) n_instances_per_cell = old_instance_positions.shape[0] # Allocate array for results new_instance_positions = np.empty( (len(padding_factors) ** 2 * n_instances_per_cell, 3) ) for k, (x_offset_factor, y_offset_factor) in enumerate( itertools.product(padding_factors, padding_factors) ): # Set vector by which we will translate instance positions offset = np.array( [x_size * x_offset_factor, y_size * y_offset_factor, 0.0] ) # Compute new instances start_idx = k * n_instances_per_cell stop_idx = (k + 1) * n_instances_per_cell new_instance_positions[start_idx:stop_idx, :] = ( old_instance_positions[:, :] + offset ) instanced_canopy_element.instance_positions = ( new_instance_positions * config_length ) # Update size result.size[:2] *= len(padding_factors) return result
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constructors # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def padded(cls, padding: int = 0, **kwargs) -> DiscreteCanopy: """ Create a discrete canopy and pad it with copies of itself. Keyword arguments are forwarded to the default constructor. Parameters ---------- padding : int Amount of padding around the canopy. Must be positive or zero. The resulting padded canopy is a grid of :math:`2 \\times \\mathit{padding} + 1` copies. **kwargs`` Keyword arguments forwarded to the :class:`.DiscreteCanopy` constructor. Returns ------- :class:`.DiscreteCanopy` Padded discrete canopy. """ return cls(**kwargs).padded_copy(padding)
[docs] @classmethod def homogeneous( cls, padding: int = 0, id: str = "homogeneous_discrete_canopy", **leaf_cloud_kwargs, ) -> DiscreteCanopy: """ Generate a homogeneous discrete canopy, possibly padded with copies of itself. Parameters ---------- padding : int Amount of padding around the canopy. Must be positive or zero. The resulting padded canopy is a grid of :math:`2 \\times \\mathit{padding} + 1` copies. id : str, default: "homogeneous_discrete_canopy" Canopy object ID. **leaf_cloud_kwargs Keyword arguments forwarded to :meth:`.LeafCloud.cuboid`. Returns ------- .DiscreteCanopy Created canopy object. Notes ----- The leaf cloud's ID will be set to ``f"{id}_leaf_cloud"``. """ # Check parameters leaf_cloud_params = CuboidLeafCloudParams(**leaf_cloud_kwargs) config_length = ucc.get("length") size = [ leaf_cloud_params.l_horizontal.m_as(config_length), leaf_cloud_params.l_horizontal.m_as(config_length), leaf_cloud_params.l_vertical.m_as(config_length), ] * config_length leaf_cloud_id = f"{id}_leaf_cloud" # Construct canopy return cls( id=id, size=size, instanced_canopy_elements=[ InstancedCanopyElement( instance_positions=[[0, 0, 0]], canopy_element=LeafCloud.cuboid( **leaf_cloud_kwargs, id=leaf_cloud_id ), ) ], ).padded_copy(padding)
[docs] @classmethod def leaf_cloud_from_files( cls, size: pint.Quantity, leaf_cloud_dicts: list[t.MutableMapping], padding: int = 0, id: str = "discrete_canopy", ): """ Directly create a leaf cloud canopy from text file specifications, possibly padded with copies of itself. .. admonition:: CanopyElement dictionary format Each item of the ``leaf_cloud_dicts`` list shall have the following structure: .. code:: python { "sub_id": "some_value", # leaf cloud ID string part, optional if leaf_cloud_dicts has only 1 entry "instance_filename": "some_path", # path to instance specification file "leaf_cloud_filename": "some_other_path", # path to leaf cloud specification file "leaf_reflectance": 0.5, # optional, leaf reflectance (default: 0.5) "leaf_transmittance": 0.5, # optional, leaf transmittance (default: 0.5) } Parameters ---------- size : quantity Canopy size as a 3-vector (in metres). leaf_cloud_dicts : list of dict List of dictionary specifying canopy elements and instances (see format above). padding : int, default: 0 Amount of padding around the canopy. Must be positive or zero. The resulting padded canopy is a grid of :math:`2 \\times \\mathit{padding} + 1` copies. id : str, default: "discrete_canopy" Canopy ID. Returns ------- .DiscreteCanopy Created canopy object. """ instanced_canopy_elements = [] for leaf_cloud_dict in leaf_cloud_dicts: instance_filename = leaf_cloud_dict.get("instance_filename", None) leaf_cloud_params = { "filename": leaf_cloud_dict.get("leaf_cloud_filename", None), "leaf_reflectance": leaf_cloud_dict.get("leaf_reflectance", 0.5), "leaf_transmittance": leaf_cloud_dict.get("leaf_transmittance", 0.5), } sub_id = leaf_cloud_dict.get("sub_id", None) if sub_id is None: if len(leaf_cloud_dicts) > 1: raise ValueError("parameter 'sub_id' must be set") leaf_cloud_params["id"] = f"{id}_leaf_cloud" else: leaf_cloud_params["id"] = f"{id}_{sub_id}_leaf_cloud" instanced_canopy_elements.append( InstancedCanopyElement.from_file( filename=instance_filename, canopy_element=LeafCloud.from_file(**leaf_cloud_params), ) ) return cls( id=id, size=size, instanced_canopy_elements=instanced_canopy_elements, ).padded_copy(padding)