Source code for eradiate.scenes.core

from __future__ import annotations

import importlib
import typing as t
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Mapping, Sequence

import attrs
import mitsuba as mi
import numpy as np
import pint
import pinttr
from pinttr.util import ensure_units

from .._factory import Factory
from ..attrs import define, documented, frozen
from ..exceptions import TraversalError
from ..kernel import KernelDictTemplate, UpdateMapTemplate, UpdateParameter
from ..units import unit_context_config as ucc
from ..units import unit_registry as ureg

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                           Scene element interface
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs] @define(eq=False, slots=False) class SceneElement(ABC): """ Abstract base class for all scene elements. Warnings -------- All subclasses *must* have a hash, thus ``eq`` must be ``False`` (see `attrs docs on hashing <>`_ for a complete explanation). This is required in order to make it possible to use caching decorators on instance methods. Notes ----- The default implementation of ``__attrs_post_init__()`` executes the :meth:`update` method. """ id: str | None = documented( attrs.field( default=None, validator=attrs.validators.optional(attrs.validators.instance_of(str)), ), doc="Identifier of the current scene element.", type="str or None", init_type="str, optional", ) def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.update() @property def params(self) -> dict[str, UpdateParameter] | None: """ Returns ------- dict[str, :class:`.UpdateParameter`] or None A dictionary mapping parameter paths, consisting of dot-separated strings, to a corresponding update protocol. See Also -------- :class:`.UpdateParameter`, :class:`.UpdateMapTemplate` """ return None
[docs] @abstractmethod def traverse(self, callback) -> None: """ Traverse this scene element and collect kernel dictionary template and parameter update map contributions. Parameters ---------- callback : SceneTraversal Callback data structure storing the collected data. """ pass
[docs] def update(self) -> None: """ Enforce internal state consistency. This method should be called when fields are modified. It is automatically called as a post-init step. """ # The default implementation is a no-op pass
[docs] @define(eq=False, slots=False) class NodeSceneElement(SceneElement, ABC): """ Abstract base class for scene elements which expand as a single Mitsuba scene tree node which can be described as a scene dictionary. """ @property @abstractmethod def template(self) -> dict: """ Kernel dictionary template contents associated with this scene element. Returns ------- dict A flat dictionary mapping dot-separated strings describing the path of an item in the nested scene dictionary to values. Values may be objects which can be directly used by the :func:`mitsuba.load_dict` function, or :class:`.InitParameter` instances which must be rendered. See Also -------- :class:`.InitParameter`, :class:`.KernelDictTemplate` """ pass @property def objects(self) -> dict[str, NodeSceneElement] | None: """ Map of child objects associated with this scene element. Returns ------- dict A dictionary mapping object names to a corresponding object to be inserted in the Eradiate scene graph. """ return None
[docs] def traverse(self, callback: SceneTraversal) -> None: # Inherit docstring callback.put_template(self.template) if self.params is not None: callback.put_params(self.params) if self.objects is not None: for name, obj in self.objects.items(): callback.put_object(name, obj)
[docs] @define(eq=False, slots=False) class InstanceSceneElement(SceneElement, ABC): """ Abstract base class for scene elements which represent a node in the Mitsuba scene graph, but can only be expanded to a Mitsuba object. """ @property @abstractmethod def instance(self) -> mi.Object: """ Mitsuba object which is represented by this scene element. Returns ------- mitsuba.Object """ pass
[docs] def traverse(self, callback): # Inherit docstring callback.put_instance(self.instance) if self.params is not None: callback.put_params(self.params)
[docs] @define(eq=False, slots=False) class CompositeSceneElement(SceneElement, ABC): """ Abstract based class for scene elements which expand to multiple Mitsuba scene tree nodes. """ @property def template(self) -> dict: """ Kernel dictionary template contents associated with this scene element. Returns ------- dict A flat dictionary mapping dot-separated strings describing the path of an item in the nested scene dictionary to values. Values may be objects which can be directly used by the :func:`mitsuba.load_dict` function, or :class:`.InitParameter` instances which must be rendered. See Also -------- :class:`.InitParameter`, :class:`.KernelDictTemplate` """ return {} @property def objects(self) -> dict[str, NodeSceneElement] | None: """ Map of child objects associated with this scene element. Returns ------- dict A dictionary mapping object names to a corresponding object to be inserted in the Eradiate scene graph. """ return None
[docs] def traverse(self, callback): # Inherit docstring callback.put_template(self.template) if self.params is not None: callback.put_params(self.params) if self.objects is not None: for name, obj in self.objects.items(): if isinstance(obj, InstanceSceneElement): callback.put_object(name, obj) else: template, params = traverse(obj) callback.put_template( {f"{name}.{k}": v for k, v in template.items()} ) callback.put_params({f"{name}.{k}": v for k, v in params.items()})
[docs] @define(eq=False, slots=False) class Ref(NodeSceneElement): """ A scene element which represents a reference to a Mitsuba scene tree node. """ id: str = documented( attrs.field( kw_only=True, validator=attrs.validators.instance_of(str), ), doc="Identifier of the referenced kernel scene object (required).", type="str", ) @property def template(self) -> dict: # Inherit docstring return {"type": "ref", "id":}
[docs] @define(eq=False, slots=False) class Scene(NodeSceneElement): """ A generic scene element container which expands as a :class:`mitsuba.Scene` object. """ _objects: dict[str, SceneElement] = documented( attrs.field(factory=dict, converter=dict), doc="A map of scene elements which will be included in the Mitsuba " "scene definition.", type="dict", default="{}", ) @property def template(self) -> dict: # Inherit docstring return {"type": "scene"} @property def objects(self) -> dict[str, SceneElement]: # Inherit docstring return self._objects
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Scene element tree traversal # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @define class SceneTraversal: """ Data structure used to collect kernel dictionary data during scene element traversal. """ #: Current traversal node node: NodeSceneElement #: Parent to current node parent: NodeSceneElement | None = attrs.field(default=None) #: Current node's name name: str | None = attrs.field(default=None) #: Current depth depth: int = attrs.field(default=0) #: Dictionary mapping nodes to their parents hierarchy: dict = attrs.field(factory=dict) #: Kernel dictionary template template: dict = attrs.field(factory=dict) #: Dictionary mapping nodes to their defined parameters params: dict = attrs.field(factory=dict) def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.hierarchy[self.node] = (self.parent, self.depth)
[docs] def put_template(self, template: t.Mapping) -> None: """ Add a contribution to the kernel dictionary template. """ prefix = "" if is None else f"{}." for k, v in template.items(): self.template[f"{prefix}{k}"] = v
[docs] def put_params(self, params: t.Mapping) -> None: """ Add a contribution to the parameter map. """ prefix = "" if is None else f"{}." for k, v in params.items(): self.params[f"{prefix}{k}"] = v
[docs] def put_object(self, name: str, node: SceneElement) -> None: """ Add a child object to the template and parameter map. """ if isinstance(node, CompositeSceneElement): node.traverse(self) else: if node is None or node in self.hierarchy: return cb = type(self)( node=node, parent=self.node, name=name if is None else f"{}.{name}", depth=self.depth + 1, hierarchy=self.hierarchy, template=self.template, params=self.params, ) if isinstance(node, InstanceSceneElement): cb.put_instance(node.instance) cb.put_params(node.params) else: node.traverse(cb)
[docs] def put_instance(self, obj: mi.Object) -> None: """ Add an instance to the kernel dictionary template. """ if not raise TraversalError("Instances may only be inserted as child nodes.") self.template[] = obj
[docs] def traverse(node: NodeSceneElement) -> tuple[KernelDictTemplate, UpdateMapTemplate]: """ Traverse a scene element tree and collect kernel dictionary template and parameter update table data. Parameters ---------- node : .SceneElement Scene element where to start traversal. Returns ------- kdict_template : .KernelDictTemplate Kernel dictionary template corresponding to the traversed scene element. umap_template : .UpdateMapTemplate Kernel parameter table associated with the traversed scene element. """ # Traverse scene element tree cb = SceneTraversal(node) node.traverse(cb) # Use collected data to generate the kernel dictionary return KernelDictTemplate(cb.template), UpdateMapTemplate(cb.params)
# -- Misc (to be moved elsewhere) ----------------------------------------------
[docs] @frozen class BoundingBox: """ A basic data class representing an axis-aligned bounding box with unit-valued corners. Notes ----- Instances are immutable. """ min: pint.Quantity = documented( pinttr.field( units=ucc.get("length"), on_setattr=None, # frozen instance: on_setattr must be disabled ), type="quantity", init_type="array-like or quantity", doc="Min corner.", ) max: pint.Quantity = documented( pinttr.field( units=ucc.get("length"), on_setattr=None, # frozen instance: on_setattr must be disabled ), type="quantity", init_type="array-like or quantity", doc="Max corner.", ) @min.validator @max.validator def _min_max_validator(self, attribute, value): if not self.min.shape == self.max.shape: raise ValueError( f"while validating {}: 'min' and 'max' must " f"have the same shape (got {self.min.shape} and {self.max.shape})" ) if not np.all(np.less(self.min, self.max)): raise ValueError( f"while validating {}: 'min' must be strictly " "less than 'max'" )
[docs] @classmethod def convert( cls, value: t.Sequence | t.Mapping | np.typing.ArrayLike | pint.Quantity ) -> t.Any: """ Attempt conversion of a value to a :class:`BoundingBox`. Parameters ---------- value Value to convert. Returns ------- any If `value` is an array-like, a quantity or a mapping, conversion will be attempted. Otherwise, `value` is returned unmodified. """ if isinstance(value, (np.ndarray, pint.Quantity)): return cls(value[0, :], value[1, :]) elif isinstance(value, Sequence): return cls(*value) elif isinstance(value, Mapping): return cls(**pinttr.interpret_units(value, ureg=ureg)) else: return value
@property def shape(self): """ tuple: Shape of `min` and `max` arrays. """ return self.min.shape @property def extents(self) -> pint.Quantity: """ :class:`pint.Quantity`: Extent in all dimensions. """ return self.max - self.min @property def units(self): """ :class:`pint.Unit`: Units of `min` and `max` arrays. """ return self.min.units
[docs] def contains(self, p: np.typing.ArrayLike, strict: bool = False) -> bool: """ Test whether a point lies within the bounding box. Parameters ---------- p : quantity or array-like An array of shape (3,) (resp. (N, 3)) representing one (resp. N) points. If a unitless value is passed, it is interpreted as ``ucc['length']``. strict : bool If ``True``, comparison is done using strict inequalities (<, >). Returns ------- result : array of bool or bool ``True`` iff ``p`` in within the bounding box. """ p = np.atleast_2d(ensure_units(p, ucc.get("length"))) cmp = ( np.logical_and(p > self.min, p < self.max) if strict else np.logical_and(p >= self.min, p <= self.max) ) return np.all(cmp, axis=1)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Factory accessor # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _FACTORIES = { "atmosphere": "atmosphere.atmosphere_factory", "biosphere": "biosphere.biosphere_factory", "bsdf": "bsdfs.bsdf_factory", "illumination": "illumination.illumination_factory", "integrator": "integrators.integrator_factory", "measure": "measure.measure_factory", "phase": "phase.phase_function_factory", "shape": "shapes.shape_factory", "spectrum": "spectra.spectrum_factory", "surface": "surface.surface_factory", } def get_factory(element_type: str) -> Factory: """ Return the factory corresponding to a scene element type. Parameters ---------- element_type : str String identity of the scene element type associated to the requested factory. Returns ------- factory : Factory Factory corresponding to the requested scene element type. Raises ------ ValueError If the requested scene element type is unknown. Notes ----- The ``element_type`` argument value maps to factories as follows: .. list-table:: :widths: 1 1 :header-rows: 1 * - Element type ID - Factory * ``"atmosphere"`` - :attr:`atmosphere_factory` * ``"biosphere"`` - :attr:`biosphere_factory` * ``"bsdf"`` - :attr:`bsdf_factory` * ``"illumination"`` - :attr:`illumination_factory` * ``"integrator"`` - :attr:`integrator_factory` * ``"measure"`` - :attr:`measure_factory` * ``"phase"`` - :attr:`phase_function_factory` * ``"shape"`` - :attr:`shape_factory` * ``"spectrum"`` - :attr:`spectrum_factory` * ``"surface"`` - :attr:`surface_factory` """ try: path = f"eradiate.scenes.{_FACTORIES[element_type]}" except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"unknown scene element type '{element_type}' " f"(should be one of {set(_FACTORIES.keys())})" ) mod_path, attr = path.rsplit(".", 1) return getattr(importlib.import_module(mod_path), attr)