Source code for eradiate.scenes.shapes._cuboid

from __future__ import annotations

import typing as t

import attrs
import mitsuba as mi
import numpy as np
import pint
import pinttr
from pinttr.util import ensure_units

from ._core import ShapeNode
from ..bsdfs import BSDF
from ..core import BoundingBox
from ...attrs import documented, parse_docs
from ...contexts import KernelContext
from ...units import unit_context_config as ucc
from ...units import unit_context_kernel as uck
from ...units import unit_registry as ureg

def _edges_converter(x):
    # Basic unit conversion and array reshaping
    length_units = ucc.get("length")
    x = np.reshape(
        pinttr.util.ensure_units(x, default_units=length_units).m_as(length_units),

    # Broadcast if relevant
    if len(x) == 1:
        x = np.full((3,), x[0])

    return x * length_units

[docs] @parse_docs @attrs.define(eq=False, slots=False) class CuboidShape(ShapeNode): """ Cuboid shape [``cuboid``]. This shape represents an axis-aligned cuboid parametrized by the length of its edges and the coordinates of its central point. """ center: pint.Quantity = documented( pinttr.field(factory=lambda: [0, 0, 0], units=ucc.deferred("length")), doc="Coordinates of the centre of the cube. " "Unit-enabled field (default: ``ucc['length']``).", type="quantity", init_type="quantity or array-like, optional", default="[0, 0, 0]", ) edges: pint.Quantity = documented( pinttr.field( factory=lambda: [1, 1, 1], converter=_edges_converter, units=ucc.deferred("length"), ), doc="Lengths of the edges of the cuboid. " "Unit-enabled field (default: ``ucc['length]``).", type="quantity", init_type="quantity or array-like", default="[1, 1, 1]", ) @property def bbox(self) -> BoundingBox: # Inherit docstring return BoundingBox( - 0.5 * self.edges, + 0.5 * self.edges )
[docs] def contains( self, p: np.typing.ArrayLike, strict: bool = False ) -> t.Sequence[bool]: """ Test whether a point lies within the cuboid. Parameters ---------- p : quantity or array-like An array of shape (3,) (resp. (N, 3)) representing one (resp. N) points. If a unitless value is passed, it is interpreted as ``ucc['length']``. strict : bool If ``True``, comparison is done using strict inequalities (<, >). Returns ------- result : array of bool or bool ``True`` iff ``p`` in within the cuboid. """ node_min = - 0.5 * self.edges node_max = + 0.5 * self.edges p = np.atleast_2d(ensure_units(p, ucc.get("length"))) cmp = ( np.logical_and(p > node_min, p < node_max) if strict else np.logical_and(p >= node_min, p <= node_max) ) return np.all(cmp, axis=1)
def eval_to_world(self, ctx: KernelContext | None = None) -> mi.ScalarTransform4f: kwargs = ctx.kwargs.get(, {}) if ctx is not None else {} if "to_world" in kwargs: return kwargs["to_world"] else: length_units = uck.get("length") converters = { field.converter for field in self.__attrs_attrs__} edges = ( converters["edges"](kwargs["edges"]) if "edges" in kwargs else self.edges ) center = ( converters["center"](kwargs["center"]) if "center" in kwargs else ) return mi.ScalarTransform4f.translate( center.m_as(length_units) ) @ mi.ScalarTransform4f.scale(0.5 * edges.m_as(length_units)) @property def template(self) -> dict: length_units = uck.get("length") return { "type": "cube", "to_world": mi.ScalarTransform4f.translate(
[docs] @ mi.ScalarTransform4f.scale(0.5 * self.edges.m_as(length_units)), } @classmethod def atmosphere( cls, top: pint.Quantity = 100.0 *, bottom: pint.Quantity = 0.0 *, bottom_offset: pint.Quantity = None, width: pint.Quantity = 100.0 *, bsdf: BSDF | None = None, ) -> CuboidShape: """ This class method constructor provides a simplified parametrization of the cuboid shape better suited for the definition of the atmosphere when configuring the one-dimensional model with a plane parallel geometry. Parameters ---------- top : quantity, optional, default: 100 km Top of atmosphere altitude. If a unitless value is passed, it is interpreted as ucc['length']. bottom : quantity, optional, default: 0 km Ground altitude. If a unitless value is passed, it is interpreted as ``ucc['length']``. bottom_offset : quantity, optional Additional offset by which the cuboid with be extended to avoid an exact match of its bottom face and the shape representing the surface. If left unset, defaults to a negative offset of 1 % of the atmosphere's height, *i.e.* :math:`- 0.01 \\times (\\mathtt{top} - \\mathtt{bottom})`. If a unitless value is passed, it is interpreted as ``ucc['length']``. width : quantity, optional, default: 100 km Length of the horizontal edges of the cuboid. If a unitless value is passed, it is interpreted as ``ucc['length']``. bsdf : BSDF or dict, optional, default: None A BSDF specification, forwarded to the main constructor. Returns ------- CuboidShape A cuboid shape which can be used as the atmosphere in a plane parallel geometry. """ top = pinttr.util.ensure_units(top, default_units=ucc.get("length")) bottom = pinttr.util.ensure_units(bottom, default_units=ucc.get("length")) width = pinttr.util.ensure_units(width, default_units=ucc.get("length")) if bottom_offset is None: bottom_offset = -0.01 * (top - bottom) else: bottom_offset = pinttr.util.ensure_units( bottom_offset, default_units=ucc.get("length") ) length_units = top.units center_z = 0.5 * (top + bottom + bottom_offset).m_as(length_units) edge_x = np.squeeze(width.m_as(length_units)) edge_y = np.squeeze(width.m_as(length_units)) edge_z = np.squeeze((top - bottom - bottom_offset).m_as(length_units)) return cls( center=[0.0, 0.0, center_z] * length_units, edges=[edge_x, edge_y, edge_z] * length_units, bsdf=bsdf, )