Source code for eradiate.scenes.spectra._solar_irradiance

from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
import importlib.util
import typing as t
import warnings

import attrs
import numpy as np
import pint
import xarray as xr

from ._core import Spectrum
from ... import converters, data, validators
from ...attrs import define, documented
from ...kernel import InitParameter, UpdateParameter
from ...units import PhysicalQuantity, to_quantity
from ...units import unit_context_kernel as uck
from ...units import unit_registry as ureg
from ...util.misc import summary_repr

def _datetime_converter(x: t.Any):
    if x is not None:
            import dateutil
        except ModuleNotFoundError:
                "To use the date-based Solar irradiance scaling feature, you "
                "must install dateutil.\n"
                "See instructions on"

        except ModuleNotFoundError:
                "To use the date-based Solar irradiance scaling feature, you "
                "must install astropy.\n"
                "See instructions on"

        return dateutil.parser.parse(x)

[docs] @define(eq=False, slots=False) class SolarIrradianceSpectrum(Spectrum): """ Solar irradiance spectrum [``solar_irradiance``]. This scene element produces the scene dictionary required to instantiate a kernel plugin using the Sun irradiance spectrum. The data set used by this element is controlled by the ``dataset`` field. See Also -------- :ref:`Solar irradiance spectrum data guide <sec-data-solar_irradiance>` Notes ------ * The spectral range of the data sets shipped can vary and an attempt for use outside the supported spectral range will raise a :class:`ValueError` upon calling :meth:`kernel_dict`. * When the ``datetime`` field is set, the spectrum is automatically scaled to account for the seasonal variations of the Earth-Sun distance using the ephemeris of :func:`astropy.coordinates.get_sun`. The dataset is assumed to be normalized to an Earth-Sun distance of 1 AU. This will trigger the import of :mod:`astropy.coordinates` and consume a significant amount of memory (150 MiB with astropy v5.1). * The ``scale`` field can be used to apply additional arbitrary scaling. It is mostly used for debugging purposes. It can also be used to rescale user-defined spectra normalized at an Earth-Sun distance different from 1 AU. * The evaluation method depends on the active mode: * in ``mono_*`` modes, the spectrum is evaluated at the spectral context wavelength; * in ``ckd_*`` modes, the spectrum is evaluated as the average value over the spectral context bin (the integral is computed using a trapezoid rule). * The produced kernel dictionary automatically adjusts its irradiance units depending on the selected kernel default units. """ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fields and properties # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- quantity: PhysicalQuantity = attrs.field( default=PhysicalQuantity.IRRADIANCE, init=False, repr=False ) dataset: xr.Dataset = documented( attrs.field( default="coddington_2021-1_nm", converter=converters.to_dataset( load_from_id=lambda x: data.load_dataset( f"spectra/solar_irradiance/{x}.nc", ) ), validator=attrs.validators.instance_of(xr.Dataset), repr=summary_repr, ), doc="Solar irradiance spectrum dataset. " "If a xarray.Dataset is passed, the dataset is used as is " "(refer to the data guide for the format requirements of this dataset)." "If a path is passed, the converter tries to open the corresponding " "file on the hard drive; should that fail, it queries the Eradiate data" "store with that path." "If a string is passed, it is interpreted as a Solar irradiance " "spectrum identifier " "(see :ref:`sec-data-solar_irradiance` for the list); ", type="Dataset", init_type="Dataset or str or path-like, optional", default='"coddington_2021-1_nm"', ) scale: float = documented( attrs.field(default=1.0, converter=float, validator=validators.is_positive), doc="Arbitrary scaling factor. This scaling factor is applied in " "addition to the datetime-based scaling controlled by the *datetime* " "parameter.", type="float or datetime", init_type="float or datetime or str", default="1.0", ) datetime: datetime.datetime | None = documented( attrs.field( default=None, converter=_datetime_converter, ), type="datetime or None", init_type="datetime or str, optional", doc="Date for which the spectrum is to be evaluated. An ISO " "string can be passed and will be interpreted by " ":meth:`dateutil.parser.parse`. This parameter scales the irradiance " "spectrum to account for the seasonal variation of the Earth-Sun " "distance. This scaling is applied in addition to the arbitrary " "scaling controlled by the *scale* parameter.", ) def _scale_earth_sun_distance(self) -> float: """ Compute scaling factor applied to the irradiance spectrum based on the Earth-Sun distance. """ # Note: We assume that the loaded dataset is for a reference # Earth-Sun distance of 1 AU if self.datetime is None: return 1.0 else: # Note: astropy.coordinates consumes a significant amount of memory # (150 MiB with astropy v5.1). The import is therefore optional for # performance. import astropy.coordinates import astropy.time import astropy.units # The irradiance scales as the inverse of d**2, where d is the # Earth-Sun distance divided by the AU (reference distance for all # Solar irradiance spectra in Eradiate). return ( float( / astropy.coordinates.get_sun( astropy.time.Time(self.datetime) ).distance ) ** 2 )
[docs] def eval_mono(self, w: pint.Quantity) -> pint.Quantity: # Inherit docstring w_units = ureg(self.dataset.ssi.w.attrs["units"]) irradiance = to_quantity( self.dataset.ssi.interp(w=w.m_as(w_units), method="linear") ) # Raise if out of bounds or ill-formed dataset if np.any(np.isnan(irradiance.magnitude)): raise ValueError("interpolation of solar irradiance dataset returned nan") return irradiance * self.scale * self._scale_earth_sun_distance()
[docs] def eval_ckd(self, w: pint.Quantity, g: float) -> pint.Quantity: return self.eval_mono(w=w)
[docs] def integral(self, wmin: pint.Quantity, wmax: pint.Quantity) -> pint.Quantity: raise NotImplementedError
@property def template(self) -> dict: # Inherit docstring return { "type": "uniform", "value": InitParameter( evaluator=lambda ctx: float( self.eval("irradiance")) ) ), } @property def params(self) -> dict: # Inherit docstring return { "value": UpdateParameter( evaluator=lambda ctx: float( self.eval("irradiance")) ), flags=UpdateParameter.Flags.SPECTRAL, ) }