Source code for eradiate.spectral.grid

from __future__ import annotations

import itertools
import typing as t
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from functools import singledispatchmethod

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import pint
import pinttrs
from pinttrs.util import ensure_units

from .ckd_quad import CKDQuadConfig, CKDQuadPolicy
from .index import CKDSpectralIndex, MonoSpectralIndex, SpectralIndex
from .response import BandSRF, DeltaSRF, SpectralResponseFunction, UniformSRF
from .. import converters
from .._mode import ModeFlag, SubtypeDispatcher
from ..attrs import define, documented
from ..quad import Quad
from ..radprops import AbsorptionDatabase, CKDAbsorptionDatabase, MonoAbsorptionDatabase
from ..units import unit_context_config as ucc
from ..units import unit_registry as ureg
from ..util.misc import deduplicate_sorted, summary_repr

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                             Class implementations
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs] @define class SpectralGrid(ABC): """ Abstract interface for all spectral grids. """ subtypes = SubtypeDispatcher("SpectralGrid") @property @abstractmethod def wavelengths(self): """ Convenience accessor to characteristic wavelengths of this spectral grid. """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def default() -> SpectralGrid: """ Generate a default spectral grid depending on the active mode. """ cls = SpectralGrid.subtypes.resolve() return cls.default()
[docs] @staticmethod def arange( start: float | pint.Quantity, stop: float | pint.Quantity, step: float | pint.Quantity, ) -> SpectralGrid: """ Generate a spectral grid from equally-spaced wavelengths. Parameters ---------- start : quantity or float Central wavelength of the first bin. If a unitless value is passed, it is interpreted in default wavelength units (usually nm). stop : quantity or float Wavelength after which bin generation stops. If a unitless value is passed, it is interpreted in default wavelength units (usually nm). step : quantity or float Spectral bin size. If a unitless value is passed, it is interpreted in default wavelength units (usually nm). Returns ------- SpectralGrid Generated spectral grid. """ cls = SpectralGrid.subtypes.resolve() return cls.arange(start, stop, step)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_absorption_database(abs_db: AbsorptionDatabase) -> SpectralGrid: """ Retrieve the spectral grid from an absorption database. The returned type depends on the currently active mode. """ cls = SpectralGrid.subtypes.resolve() return cls.from_absorption_database(abs_db)
[docs] def select(self, srf) -> SpectralGrid: """ Select a subset of the spectral grid based on a spectral response function. Parameters ---------- srf A value that is either a :class:`.SpectralResponseFunction` instance or convertible to a :class:`.SpectralResponseFunction` by the :meth:`.SpectralResponseFunction.convert` method. Returns ------- SpectralGrid New spectral grid instance covering the extent of the filtering SRF. Notes ----- The implementation of this method uses single dispatch based on the type of the ``srf`` parameter. """ # This function performs value conversion then calls the _select_impl() # dispatching method. srf = SpectralResponseFunction.convert(srf) return self._select_impl(srf)
@abstractmethod def _select_impl(self, srf: SpectralResponseFunction) -> SpectralGrid: pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def merge(self, other: SpectralGrid) -> SpectralGrid: """ Merge two spectral grids, applying a boolean "OR" operation. Parameters ---------- other : SpectralGrid Other spectral, of the same type, to merge with the current one. Returns ------- SpectralGrid A new spectral grid of the same type that merges the two. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def walk_indices(self, **kwargs) -> t.Generator[SpectralIndex, None, None]: """ A generator that yields a sequence of spectral index values. Yields ------ .SpectralIndex Generated spectral index of a type aligned with the current active mode. """ pass
[docs] @SpectralGrid.subtypes.register(ModeFlag.SPECTRAL_MODE_MONO) @define class MonoSpectralGrid(SpectralGrid): """ A spectral grid consisting of discrete wavelengths, used in monochromatic modes. """ _wavelengths: pint.Quantity = documented( pinttrs.field( units=ucc.deferred("wavelength"), converter=[ pinttrs.converters.to_units(ucc.deferred("wavelength")), converters.on_quantity(np.atleast_1d), converters.on_quantity(lambda x: x.astype(np.float64)), converters.on_quantity(np.unique), converters.on_quantity(np.sort), ], repr=summary_repr, ), doc="Wavelengths.", type="quantity", init_type="quantity or array-like or float", ) @property def wavelengths(self): # Inherit docstring return self._wavelengths def plot(self, ax, lw=0.5, alpha=1.0): ax.vlines(self.wavelengths.m, 0, 1, lw=lw, alpha=alpha) return ax def _repr_html_(self): import base64 import io import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 1)) self.plot(ax) ax.set_xlabel(f"Wavelength [{self.wavelengths.u:~P}]") sns.despine(left=True) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) img = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(img, format="png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(fig) return ( "<img " f'src="data:image/png;base64, {base64.b64encode(img.getvalue()).decode("utf-8")}" ' "/>" )
[docs] @staticmethod def default() -> MonoSpectralGrid: """ Generate a default monochromatic spectral grid that covers the default spectral range with 1 nm spacing. """ return MonoSpectralGrid( wavelengths=np.arange( SPECTRAL_RANGE_MIN.m_as(ureg.nm), SPECTRAL_RANGE_MAX.m_as(ureg.nm) + 0.1, 1.0, ) * ureg.nm )
[docs] @staticmethod def arange( start: float | pint.Quantity, stop: float | pint.Quantity, step: float | pint.Quantity, ) -> MonoSpectralGrid: """ Generate a spectral grid from equally-spaced wavelengths. Parameters ---------- start : quantity or float Central wavelength of the first bin. If a unitless value is passed, it is interpreted in default wavelength units (usually nm). stop : quantity or float Wavelength after which bin generation stops. If a unitless value is passed, it is interpreted in default wavelength units (usually nm). step : quantity or float Spectral bin size. If a unitless value is passed, it is interpreted in default wavelength units (usually nm). Returns ------- MonoSpectralGrid Generated spectral grid. """ w_u = ucc.get("wavelength") start = ensure_units(start, w_u).m_as(w_u) stop = ensure_units(stop, w_u).m_as(w_u) step = ensure_units(step, w_u).m_as(w_u) return MonoSpectralGrid(wavelengths=np.arange(start, stop, step) * w_u)
[docs] @classmethod def from_absorption_database(cls, abs_db: MonoAbsorptionDatabase): """ Retrieve the spectral grid from a monochromatic absorption database. """ if not isinstance(abs_db, MonoAbsorptionDatabase): raise TypeError w = abs_db.spectral_coverage.index.get_level_values(level=1).values * ureg.nm return cls(wavelengths=w)
@singledispatchmethod def _select_impl(self, srf: SpectralResponseFunction) -> MonoSpectralGrid: # Inherit docstring raise NotImplementedError(f"unsupported data type '{type(srf)}'") @_select_impl.register def _(self, srf: DeltaSRF): # Pass SRF wavelengths through return MonoSpectralGrid(wavelengths=srf.wavelengths) @_select_impl.register def _(self, srf: UniformSRF): w_m = self.wavelengths.m w_u = self.wavelengths.u wmin_m, wmax_m = srf.wmin.m_as(w_u), srf.wmax.m_as(w_u) w_selected_m = w_m[(w_m >= wmin_m) & (w_m <= wmax_m)] return MonoSpectralGrid(wavelengths=w_selected_m * w_u) @_select_impl.register def _(self, srf: BandSRF): # Select all wavelengths for which the SRF evaluates to a nonzero value values = srf.eval(self.wavelengths) w_selected = self.wavelengths[values.m > 0.0] return MonoSpectralGrid(wavelengths=w_selected)
[docs] def merge(self, other: MonoSpectralGrid) -> MonoSpectralGrid: # Inherit docstring # Collect all wavelengths w_u = ucc.get("wavelength") w_m = np.sort( np.concatenate((self.wavelengths.m_as(w_u), other.wavelengths.m_as(w_u))) ) # Remove duplicates w_m = np.unique(w_m) return MonoSpectralGrid(wavelengths=w_m * w_u)
[docs] def walk_indices(self) -> t.Generator[MonoSpectralIndex, None, None]: # Inherit docstring for w in self.wavelengths: yield MonoSpectralIndex(w=w)
[docs] @SpectralGrid.subtypes.register(ModeFlag.SPECTRAL_MODE_CKD) @define(init=False) class CKDSpectralGrid(SpectralGrid): """ A spectral grid that splits the spectral dimensions into bins characterized by their bounds. Parameters ---------- fix_bounds : {"keep_min", "keep_max"} or False, default: "keep_min" Unless told no to, the constructor will detect lower and upper bound values close to each other within a tolerance and flag them as matching. If this parameter is set to ``"keep_min"`` or ``"keep_max"``, the constructor make sure that matching bounds effectively match exactly. If it is set to ``"raise"``, it will raise an exception. If it is set to ``"ignore"``, no action will be taken. The tolerance is controlled by the ``epsilon`` parameter. epsilon : float, default: 1e-6 Absolute tolerance for matching bound detection. Raises ------ ValueError If matching bound misalignment is detected and ``fix_bounds`` is set to ``"raise"``. """ wmins: pint.Quantity = documented( pinttrs.field(units=ucc.deferred("wavelength"), repr=summary_repr), doc="Lower bound of all bins. Unitless values are interpreted as default " "wavelength config units.", type="quantity", init_type="quantity or array-like", ) wmaxs: pint.Quantity = documented( pinttrs.field(units=ucc.deferred("wavelength"), repr=summary_repr), doc="Upper bound of all bins. Unitless values are interpreted as default " "wavelength config units.", type="quantity", init_type="quantity or array-like", ) wcenters: pint.Quantity = documented( pinttrs.field(units=ucc.deferred("wavelength"), repr=summary_repr), doc="Central wavelength of all bins. Unitless values are interpreted as " "default wavelength config units. " "If unset, bin centers are computed automatically from bin bounds. " "Bin centers are allowed to be different from the middle of the bin " "interval and, when the grid is tied to a database, are expected to " "match the values of the wavelength coordinate in the database. However, " "this is considered as a workaround to deal with poorly indexed databases, " "and users should try to set central wavelengths to the middle of spectral " "bins.", type="quantity, optional", init_type="quantity or array-like", ) def __init__( self, wmins: npt.ArrayLike, wmaxs: npt.ArrayLike, wcenters: npt.ArrayLike | None = None, fix_bounds: t.Literal["keep_min", "keep_max", "raise", "ignore"] = "keep_min", epsilon: float = 1e-6, ): # Ensure consistent units and appropriate dtype w_u = ucc.get("wavelength") wmins_m = ensure_units(wmins, w_u).m_as(w_u).astype(np.float64) wmaxs_m = ensure_units(wmaxs, w_u).m_as(w_u).astype(np.float64) # Detect bound mismatch diff_bounds = wmaxs_m[:-1] - wmins_m[1:] fix_locations = (diff_bounds > 0.0) & (diff_bounds <= epsilon) if np.any(fix_locations): if fix_bounds == "keep_max": wmins_m[1:] = np.where(fix_locations, wmaxs_m[:-1], wmins_m[1:]) elif fix_bounds == "keep_min": wmaxs_m[:-1] = np.where(fix_locations, wmins_m[1:], wmaxs_m[:-1]) elif fix_bounds == "raise": raise ValueError( "while constructing CKDSpectralGrid: bin bound mismatch " f"(min: {wmins_m[1:][fix_locations]}; max: {wmaxs_m[:-1][fix_locations]}" ) elif fix_bounds == "ignore": pass else: raise ValueError(f'unknown bound fixing policy "{fix_bounds}"') # Define bin centers if necessary if wcenters is None: wcenters = 0.5 * (wmins_m + wmaxs_m) * w_u # Initialize the object self.__attrs_init__(wmins_m * w_u, wmaxs_m * w_u, wcenters) @property def wavelengths(self): # Inherit docstring return self.wcenters def plot(self, ax, alpha=0.5): import seaborn as sns from cycler import cycler w_u = ucc.get("wavelength") color_cycle = cycler(color=sns.color_palette()) for wmin, wmax, wcenter, color in zip( self.wmins.m_as(w_u), self.wmaxs.m_as(w_u), self.wcenters.m_as(w_u), itertools.cycle(color_cycle), ): c = color["color"] ax.fill_between( [wmin, wmax], 0, 1, color=c, alpha=alpha, lw=0.5, ls=(0, (5, 5)) ) ax.vlines(wcenter, 0, 1, color=c, lw=0.5) return ax def _repr_html_(self): import base64 import io import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns w_u = ucc.get("wavelength") fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 1)) self.plot(ax) ax.set_xlabel(f"Wavelength [{w_u:~P}]") sns.despine(left=True) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) img = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(img, format="png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(fig) return ( "<img " f'src="data:image/png;base64, {base64.b64encode(img.getvalue()).decode("utf-8")}" ' "/>" )
[docs] @staticmethod def default() -> CKDSpectralGrid: """ Generate a default CKD spectral that covers the default spectral range with 10 nm spacing. """ return CKDSpectralGrid.arange( start=SPECTRAL_RANGE_MIN.m_as(ureg.nm), stop=SPECTRAL_RANGE_MAX.m_as(ureg.nm) + 1.0, step=10.0, )
[docs] @staticmethod def arange( start: float | pint.Quantity, stop: float | pint.Quantity, step: float | pint.Quantity, ) -> CKDSpectralGrid: """ Generate a CKD spectral grid with equally-sized bins. Parameters ---------- start : quantity or float Central wavelength of the first bin. If a unitless value is passed, it is interpreted in default wavelength units (usually nm). stop : quantity or float Wavelength after which bin generation stops. If a unitless value is passed, it is interpreted in default wavelength units (usually nm). step : quantity or float Spectral bin size. If a unitless value is passed, it is interpreted in default wavelength units (usually nm). Returns ------- CKDSpectralGrid Generated CKD spectral grid. """ w_u = ucc.get("wavelength") start_m = ensure_units(start, w_u).m_as(w_u) stop_m = ensure_units(stop, w_u).m_as(w_u) width_m = ensure_units(step, w_u).m_as(w_u) wcenters_m = np.arange(start_m, stop_m, width_m) wmins_m = wcenters_m - 0.5 * width_m wmaxs_m = wcenters_m + 0.5 * width_m return CKDSpectralGrid(wmins_m * w_u, wmaxs_m * w_u, wcenters_m * w_u)
@classmethod def from_nodes(cls, wnodes: npt.ArrayLike) -> CKDSpectralGrid: wmins = wnodes[:-1] wmaxs = wnodes[1:] return cls(wmins=wmins, wmaxs=wmaxs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_absorption_database(cls, abs_db: CKDAbsorptionDatabase) -> CKDSpectralGrid: """ Retrieve the spectral grid from a CKD absorption database. Parameters ---------- abs_db : .CKDAbsorptionDatabase """ if not isinstance(abs_db, CKDAbsorptionDatabase): raise TypeError wmins = abs_db.spectral_coverage["wbound_lower [nm]"].values * ureg.nm wmaxs = abs_db.spectral_coverage["wbound_upper [nm]"].values * ureg.nm wcenters = abs_db.spectral_coverage.index.get_level_values(1).values * ureg.nm return cls(wmins, wmaxs, wcenters)
@singledispatchmethod def _select_impl(self, srf: SpectralResponseFunction) -> CKDSpectralGrid: # Inherit docstring raise NotImplementedError(f"unsupported data type '{type(srf)}'") @_select_impl.register def _(self, srf: DeltaSRF): w_u = srf.wavelengths.u w_m = srf.wavelengths.m wmins_m = self.wmins.m_as(w_u) wmaxs_m = self.wmaxs.m_as(w_u) selmin = np.searchsorted(wmins_m, w_m) selmax = np.searchsorted(wmaxs_m, w_m) + 1 hit = selmin == selmax # Mask where w_m values which triggered a bin hit # Map w values to selected bin (index -999 means not selected) bin_index = np.where(hit, selmin - 1, np.full_like(w_m, -999)).astype(np.int64) # Get selected bins only selected = np.unique(bin_index) # mask removes -999 value selected = selected[selected >= 0] return CKDSpectralGrid(wmins=self.wmins[selected], wmaxs=self.wmaxs[selected]) @_select_impl.register def _(self, srf: UniformSRF): selected = (self.wmaxs > srf.wmin) & (self.wmins < srf.wmax) return CKDSpectralGrid(wmins=self.wmins[selected], wmaxs=self.wmaxs[selected]) @_select_impl.register def _(self, srf: BandSRF): w_u = self.wmins.u wmins_m = self.wmins.m_as(w_u) wmaxs_m = self.wmaxs.m_as(w_u) # Build spectral mesh used to interpolate w_m = np.unique(np.concatenate((wmins_m, wmaxs_m))) # Note the handling of numeric precision-induced min and max bin bound # mismatch was removed from the previous implementation because # consistency is enforced upon initialization # Detect spectral bins on which the SRF takes nonzero values cumsum = np.concatenate(([0], srf.integrate_cumulative(w_m * w_u).m_as(w_u))) selected = cumsum[:-1] != cumsum[1:] # Build a new spectral grid that only contains selected bins return CKDSpectralGrid(self.wmins[selected], self.wmaxs[selected])
[docs] def merge(self, other: CKDSpectralGrid) -> CKDSpectralGrid: # Inherit docstring # Collect spectral bin information w_u = ucc.get("wavelength") wmins = np.concatenate((self.wmins.m_as(w_u), other.wmins.m_as(w_u))) wmaxs = np.concatenate((self.wmaxs.m_as(w_u), other.wmaxs.m_as(w_u))) wcenters = np.concatenate((self.wcenters.m_as(w_u), other.wcenters.m_as(w_u))) # Sort bins and remove duplicates # TODO: Vectorize this for best performance, this is quick and dirty w_m = sorted( np.stack((wmins, wmaxs, wcenters)).T.tolist(), key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1], x[2]), ) w_m = np.array(deduplicate_sorted(w_m)) return CKDSpectralGrid( wmins=w_m[:, 0] * w_u, wmaxs=w_m[:, 1] * w_u, wcenters=w_m[:, 2] * w_u )
[docs] def walk_quads( self, ckd_quad_config: CKDQuadConfig, abs_db: CKDAbsorptionDatabase | None = None, ) -> t.Generator[tuple[pint.Quantity, Quad]]: """ Walk the spectral grid and retrieve, based on a quadrature configuration and, if necessary, an absorption database, the spectral quadrature for each spectral bin. Parameters ---------- ckd_quad_config : .CKDQuadConfig CKD quadrature configuration. abs_db : .CKDAbsorptionDatabase, optional Molecular absorption database used to build quadrature rules for each spectral bin. This parameter is required only if an adaptive quadrature generation policy is used, otherwise it is ignored. Yields ------ quad : .Quad Quadrature rule for the current spectral bin. w : quantity Wavelength of the current spectral bin. """ # Check parameter consistency if ckd_quad_config.policy is not CKDQuadPolicy.FIXED and abs_db is None: raise ValueError( "while attempting CKD spectral grid walk with policy " f"{ckd_quad_config.policy}: `abs_db` must be set (got None)" ) # Walk the spectral grid and get the quadrature for each bin for w in self.wcenters: yield w, ckd_quad_config.get_quad(abs_db, wcenter=w)
[docs] def walk_indices( self, ckd_quad_config: CKDQuadConfig, abs_db: CKDAbsorptionDatabase | None = None, ) -> t.Generator[CKDSpectralIndex]: """ Walk the spectral grid and retrieve, based on a quadrature configuration and, if necessary, an absorption database, the sequence of spectral indexes driving the spectral loop. Parameters ---------- ckd_quad_config : .CKDQuadConfig CKD quadrature configuration. abs_db : .CKDAbsorptionDatabase, optional Molecular absorption database used to build quadrature rules for each spectral bin. This parameter is required only if an adaptive quadrature generation policy is used, otherwise it is ignored. Yields ------ si : .CKDSpectralIndex Generated spectral index. """ # Walk the spectral dimension for w, quad in self.walk_quads(ckd_quad_config, abs_db): for g in quad.eval_nodes([0, 1]): yield CKDSpectralIndex(w=w, g=g)