Source code for eradiate.spectral.response

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import typing as t
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import pint
import pinttrs
import scipy.integrate as spi
import xarray as xr
from pinttrs.util import ensure_units

from .. import converters, data, validators
from ..attrs import define, documented
from ..exceptions import DataError
from ..units import to_quantity
from ..units import unit_context_config as ucc
from ..units import unit_registry as ureg
from ..util.misc import summary_repr

#  * Propagate to measure and other intermediate components
#  * Add plotting facilities
#  * Documentation

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                             Class implementations
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs] @define class SpectralResponseFunction(ABC): """ An interface defining the spectral response function of an instrument. """
[docs] @staticmethod def convert(value) -> t.Any: """ Converter for the ``Measure.srf`` field. Notes ----- Supported conversion protocols: * :class:`dict`: Dispatch to subclass based on 'type' entry, then pass dictionary to constructor as keyword arguments. * Dataset, DataArray: Call :meth:`.BandSRF.from_dataarray`. * Path-like: Attempt loading a dataset from the hard drive, then call :meth:`.BandSRF.from_dataarray`. * :class:`str`: Perform a NetCDF file lookup in the SRF database and load it. Anything else will pass through this converter without modification. """ if isinstance(value, dict): d = value.copy() try: type_id = d.pop("type") except KeyError as e: raise ValueError( "missing 'type' key in SRF specification dictionary" ) from e dispatch_table = { "uniform": UniformSRF, "delta": DeltaSRF, "multi_delta": DeltaSRF, "band": BandSRF, } try: cls = dispatch_table[type_id] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError(f"unknown SRF type '{type_id}'") from e return cls(**d) if isinstance(value, xr.Dataset): return BandSRF.from_dataarray(value.srf) if isinstance(value, xr.DataArray): return BandSRF.from_dataarray(value) if isinstance(value, (str, os.PathLike)): try: ds = xr.load_dataset(value) return BandSRF.from_dataarray(ds.srf) except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError): pass if isinstance(value, str): try: return BandSRF.from_id(value) except DataError: pass return value
[docs] @abstractmethod def eval(self, w: npt.ArrayLike) -> pint.Quantity: """ Evaluate the spectral response function for one or several wavelengths. Evaluation is vectorized. Parameters ---------- w : array-like One or several wavelengths at which the SRF is evaluated. Returns ------- quantity The returned value as the same shape as ``w``. """ pass
[docs] @define class UniformSRF(SpectralResponseFunction): r""" A spectral response function uniform on a preset spectral interval. It represents a function defined by: .. math:: f(w) = \left\{ \begin{array}{r l} \text{value} & \text{if} \ w \in [w_\mathrm{min}, w_\mathrm{max}] \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{array} \right. """ wmin = documented( pinttrs.field( units=ucc.deferred("wavelength"), factory=lambda: 300.0 * ureg.nm, validator=validators.is_positive, ), doc="Lower bound of the interval.", type="quantity", init_type="quantity or float", default="300 nm", ) wmax = documented( pinttrs.field( units=ucc.deferred("wavelength"), factory=lambda: 2500.0 * ureg.nm, validator=validators.is_positive, ), doc="Upper bound of the interval.", type="quantity", init_type="quantity or float", default="2500 nm", ) value = documented( pinttrs.field( units=ucc.deferred("dimensionless"), factory=lambda: 1.0, validator=validators.is_positive, ), doc="The value to which the phase function evaluates in its interval.", type="quantity", init_type="quantity or float", default="1.0", ) def plot(self, ax, alpha=0.5): w_u = ucc.get("wavelength") x = [self.wmin.m_as(w_u), self.wmax.m_as(w_u)] y = [self.value.m, self.value.m] ax.fill_between(x, y, alpha=alpha) ax.plot(x, y, marker=".") ax.vlines(x, 0, 1) return ax def _repr_html_(self): import base64 import io import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 1.5)) self.plot(ax) w_u = ucc.get("wavelength") ax.set_xlabel(f"Wavelength [{w_u:~P}]") img = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(img, format="png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(fig) return ( "<img " f'src="data:image/png;base64, {base64.b64encode(img.getvalue()).decode("utf-8")}" ' "/>" )
[docs] def eval(self, w: npt.ArrayLike) -> pint.Quantity: # Inherit docstring w_units = ucc.get("wavelength") w_m = pinttrs.util.ensure_units(w, w_units).m_as(w_units) return ( np.where( (w_m >= self.wmin.m_as(w_units)) & (w_m <= self.wmax.m_as(w_units)), self.value.m, np.zeros_like(w), ) * self.value.u )
[docs] @define class DeltaSRF(SpectralResponseFunction): """ A spectral response function consisting of multiple Dirac delta distributions. This SRF conventionally always evaluates to 0. """ wavelengths: pint.Quantity = documented( pinttrs.field( units=ucc.deferred("wavelength"), converter=[ converters.on_quantity(np.atleast_1d), converters.on_quantity(lambda x: x.astype(np.float64)), pinttrs.converters.to_units(ucc.deferred("wavelength")), ], validator=validators.all_strictly_positive, repr=summary_repr, ), doc="An array of wavelengths specifying the translation wavelength of each " "Dirac delta. Wavelength values are positive and unique. " "When a single value is provided, it is converted to a 1-element array. " "Wavelength are deduplicated and sorted by ascending values. " 'Unit-enabled field (default: ``ucc["wavelength"]``).', type="quantity", init_type="array-like or quantity", ) def plot(self, ax): ax.vlines(self.wavelengths.m, 0, 1) return ax def _repr_html_(self): import base64 import io import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 1)) self.plot(ax) ax.set_xlabel(f"Wavelength [{self.wavelengths.u:~P}]") sns.despine(left=True) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) img = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(img, format="png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(fig) return ( "<img " f'src="data:image/png;base64, {base64.b64encode(img.getvalue()).decode("utf-8")}" ' "/>" )
[docs] def eval(self, w: npt.ArrayLike) -> pint.Quantity: # Inherit docstring return np.zeros_like(w) * ureg.dimensionless
[docs] @define class BandSRF(SpectralResponseFunction): """ The spectral response function for a single band of an instrument. """ wavelengths: pint.Quantity = documented( pinttrs.field( units=ucc.deferred("wavelength"), converter=[ converters.on_quantity(np.atleast_1d), pinttrs.converters.to_units(ucc.deferred("wavelength")), ], validator=validators.is_sorted(strict=True), repr=summary_repr, ), doc="Wavelengths defining the interpolation grid. Values must be " "monotonically increasing.", type="quantity", ) values: pint.Quantity = documented( pinttrs.field( units=ucc.deferred("dimensionless"), converter=[ converters.on_quantity(np.atleast_1d), pinttrs.converters.to_units(ucc.deferred("dimensionless")), ], ), doc="Spectrum values. If a quantity is passed, units are " "checked for consistency. If a unitless array is passed, it is " "automatically converted to appropriate default configuration units, " "depending on the value of the ``quantity`` field. If no quantity is " "specified, this field can be a unitless value.", type="quantity", init_type="array-like", ) @values.validator @wavelengths.validator def _values_wavelengths_validator(self, attribute, value): # Check size if value.ndim > 1: raise ValueError( f"while validating '{}': '{}' must " "be a 1D array" ) if len(value) < 2: raise ValueError( f"while validating '{}': '{}' must " f"have length >= 2" ) if self.wavelengths.shape != self.values.shape: raise ValueError( f"while validating '{}': 'wavelengths' and 'values' " f"must have the same shape, got {self.wavelengths.shape} and " f"{self.values.shape}" ) @values.validator def _values_validator(self, attribute, value): # Check for leading and trailing zeros if not np.all(value.m[[0, -1]] == np.array([0.0, 0.0])): warnings.warn( "Initializing a BandSRF instance without a leading and trailing " "zero is not recommended." ) @classmethod def from_dataarray(cls, da: xr.DataArray): return cls(wavelengths=to_quantity(da.w), values=da.values) @classmethod def from_id(cls, id: str): ds = data.load_dataset(f"spectra/srf/{id}.nc") return cls.from_dataarray(ds.srf) def plot(self, ax, alpha=0.5, lw=1): w_u = ucc.get("wavelength") x = self.wavelengths.m_as(w_u) y = self.values.m if alpha: ax.fill_between(x, y, alpha=alpha) ax.plot(x, y, lw=lw, marker=".") return ax def _repr_html_(self): import base64 import io import matplotlib.pyplot as plt w_u = ucc.get("wavelength") fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 1.5)) self.plot(ax) ax.set_xlabel(f"Wavelength [{w_u:~P}]") img = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(img, format="png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close(fig) return ( "<img " f'src="data:image/png;base64, {base64.b64encode(img.getvalue()).decode("utf-8")}" ' "/>" )
[docs] def support(self) -> pint.Quantity: """ Return the interval in which the SRF is nonzero. Returns ------- quantity Note ---- This method does not actually compute the support: it assumes that any leading and trailing zeros are already removed. """ wmin_m = self.wavelengths.m.min() wmax_m = self.wavelengths.m.max() return (wmin_m, wmax_m) * self.wavelengths.u
[docs] def eval(self, w: npt.ArrayLike) -> pint.Quantity: # Inherit docstring w_units = self.wavelengths.u w_m = pinttrs.util.ensure_units(w, ucc.get("wavelength")).m_as(w_units) return ( np.interp(w_m, self.wavelengths.m, self.values.m, left=0.0, right=0.0) * self.values.u )
[docs] def integrate( self, wmin: float | pint.Quantity, wmax: float | pint.Quantity ) -> pint.Quantity: """ Return the integral of the SRF on the specified interval, using the trapezoid rule. Parameters ---------- wmin, wmax : float or quantity Lower and upper bounds of the integration domain. Floats are interpreted as being specified in default configuration units. Returns ------- integral : quantity Integral as a scalar quantity. """ wmin = ensure_units(wmin, ucc.get("wavelength")) wmax = ensure_units(wmax, ucc.get("wavelength")) # Assemble spectral integration mesh w_u = self.wavelengths.u w_m = np.unique( np.concatenate( ( np.atleast_1d(wmin.m_as(w_u)), self.wavelengths.m[ (self.wavelengths >= wmin) & (self.wavelengths <= wmax) ], np.atleast_1d(wmax.m_as(w_u)), ) ) ) # Evaluate SRF at mesh nodes values_m = self.eval(w_m * w_u).m # Compute integral return spi.trapezoid(values_m, w_m) * w_u
[docs] def integrate_cumulative(self, w: npt.ArrayLike) -> pint.Quantity: """ Return the cumulative integral of the SRF on the specified mesh, using the trapezoid rule. Parameters ---------- w : array-like Nodes of the spectral integration mesh. If a dimensionless array is passed, it is interpreted as being specified in default configuration units. Returns ------- integral : quantity Cumulative integral as an array of shape (N-1,), where ``wavelength`` has shape (N,). """ w_u = ucc.get("wavelength") w_m = ensure_units(w, w_u).m_as(w_u) # Evaluate SRF at mesh nodes values_m = self.eval(w).m # Compute integral return spi.cumulative_trapezoid(values_m, w_m) * w_u
[docs] @ureg.wraps(ret=None, args=("nm", "nm", None, "nm", "nm", None, None), strict=False) def make_gaussian( wl_center: pint.Quantity, fwhm: pint.Quantity, cutoff: float = 3.0, wl: pint.Quantity | None = None, wl_res: pint.Quantity | float = 1.0, pad: bool = False, normalize: bool = True, ) -> xr.Dataset: """ Generate a Gaussian spectral response function dataset from central wavelength and full width at half maximum values. Parameters ---------- wl_center : quantity or float Central wavelength of the Gaussian distribution. If passed as a float, the value is interpreted as being given in nm. fwhm : quantity or float Full width at half maximum of the Gaussian distribution. If passed as a float, the value is interpreted as being given in nm. cutoff : float, default: 3.0 Cut-off, in multiples of the standard deviation σ. wl : quantity or array-like, optional Mesh used to evaluate the discretized distribution. If unset, a regular mesh with spacing given by ``wl_res`` is used. If passed as an array, the value is interpreted as being given in nm. wl_res : quantity or float, optional Resolution of the automatic spectral mesh if relevant. If passed as a float, the value is interpreted as being given in nm. pad : bool, default: False If True, pad SRF data with leading and trailing zeros. normalize : bool, default: True If ``True``, the generated SRF data is normalized to have a maximum equal to 1. Returns ------- Dataset A dataset compliant with the Eradiate SRF format. The uncertainty variable is set to NaN. """ # Generate default mesh if necessary if wl is None: wl = np.arange(0.0, 5001.0, wl_res) # Infer standard deviation sigma = 0.5 * fwhm / np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log(2.0)) # Build baseline distribution values = np.exp(-0.5 * np.power((wl - wl_center) / sigma, 2)) / (sigma * np.sqrt(2)) # Prepare cutoff selection wl_min = wl_center - cutoff * sigma wl_max = wl_center + cutoff * sigma wl_mask = (wl >= wl_min) & (wl <= wl_max) if pad: # Apply zero-padding if requested i_min = np.argwhere(wl_mask).min() - 1 i_max = np.argwhere(wl_mask).max() + 1 wl_mask[[i_min, i_max]] = True values_result = values[wl_mask] values_result[[0, -1]] = 0.0 else: # Otherwise just select values_result = values[wl_mask] # Build output dataset if normalize: values_result /= values_result.max() wl_result = wl[wl_mask] result = xr.Dataset( data_vars={ "srf": ( ["w"], values_result, { "standard_name": "spectral_response_function", "long_name": "spectral response function", "units": "dimensionless", }, ), }, coords={ "w": ( ["w"], wl_result, { "standard_name": "radiation_wavelength", "long_name": "wavelength", "units": "nm", }, ) }, ) result["srf_u"] = xr.full_like(result.srf, np.nan) result.srf_u.attrs = { "standard_name": "spectral_response_function_uncertainty", "long_name": "spectral response function uncertainty", "units": "dimensionless", } return result