Source code for eradiate.test_tools.plugin

Helper tools for plugin tests.
from __future__ import annotations

import drjit as dr
import mitsuba as mi

[docs] def sample_eval_pdf_bsdf( plugin: mi.BSDF, wi: mi.ScalarVector3f, sample_count: int = 100000, seed: int = 0, ): """ Sample a BSDF and get corresponding ``eval()`` and ``pdf()`` values. Parameters ---------- plugin : mitsuba.BSDF A BSDF plugin to be evaluated. wi : mitsuba.ScalarVector3f An incoming direction. sample_count : int, optional, default: 100000 The number of samples to generate. seed : int, optional, default: 0 RNG seed to be used. Returns ------- sample The result of a call to the plugin's ``sample()`` method. eval The result of a call to the plugin's ``eval()`` method. pdf The result of a call to the plugin's ``pdf()`` method. Warnings -------- This function requires a JIT active variant (*e.g.* ``llvm_ad_rgb``). """ # Generate a table of uniform variates idx = dr.arange(mi.UInt64, sample_count) v0, v1 = mi.sample_tea_32(idx, seed) # Scramble seed and stream index using TEA, a linearly increasing sequence # does not produce a sufficiently statistically independent set of streams rng = mi.PCG32(initstate=v0, initseq=v1) sample = mi.Vector3f() for i in range(3): sample[i] = rng.next_float32() if mi.Float is mi.Float32 else rng.next_float64() # Invoke sampling strategy n = dr.width(sample) ctx = mi.BSDFContext() si = dr.zeros(mi.SurfaceInteraction3f, n) si.wi = wi bs, weight = plugin.sample(ctx, si, sample[0], [sample[1], sample[2]]) # Get corresponding eval() and pdf() calls eval = plugin.eval(ctx, si, bs.wo) pdf = plugin.pdf(ctx, si, bs.wo) return (bs, weight), eval, pdf