from __future__ import annotations
__all__ = ["dataarray_to_rgb", "film_to_angular"]
import typing as t
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from .. import frame
from ..config import settings
from ..warp import uniform_hemisphere_to_square
def film_to_angular(
da: xr.DataArray,
theta: np.typing.ArrayLike,
phi: np.typing.ArrayLike,
x_label: str = "x",
y_label: str = "y",
theta_label: str = "theta",
phi_label: str = "phi",
azimuth_convention: frame.AzimuthConvention | str | None = None,
) -> xr.DataArray:
Interpolate a hemispherical film data array on an angular grid.
da : DataArray
Data array with film coordinate pixels to interpolate on an angular grid.
theta : array-like
List of zenith angle values.
phi : array-like
List of azimuth angle values.
x_label : str, default: "x"
Label for the width pixel coordinate.
y_label : str, default: "y"
Label for the height pixel coordinate.
theta_label : str, default: "theta"
Label for the zenith angle coordinate.
phi_label : str, default: "phi"
Label for the azimuth angle coordinate.
azimuth_convention : .AzimuthConvention or str, optional
Azimuth convention used in the produced data array. If unset the default
active convention is used.
Data array interpolated on the specified angular grid.
# TODO: Double check where this function is used and if the azimuth
# transformation is correctly applied.
# Define azimuth convention
if azimuth_convention is None:
azimuth_convention = settings.azimuth_convention
azimuth_convention = frame.AzimuthConvention.convert(azimuth_convention)
# Interpolate values on angular grid
data = np.empty((len(phi), len(theta)))
# Map angular grid points to (x, y) space
for i, ph in enumerate(phi):
xs = np.empty_like(theta)
ys = np.empty_like(theta)
angles = np.array([[th, ph] for th in theta.ravel()])
directions = frame.angles_to_direction(angles)
film_coords = uniform_hemisphere_to_square(directions)
xs.ravel()[:] = film_coords[:, 0]
ys.ravel()[:] = film_coords[:, 1]
x = xr.DataArray(xs, dims=theta_label)
y = xr.DataArray(ys, dims=theta_label)
data[i, :] = da.interp(**{x_label: x, y_label: y}).values
return xr.DataArray(
frame.transform_azimuth(phi, to_convention=azimuth_convention),
(theta_label, theta),
dims=(phi_label, theta_label),
def dataarray_to_rgb(
da: xr.DataArray,
channels: t.Sequence[tuple[str, t.Any]],
normalize: bool = True,
gamma_correction: bool = True,
) -> np.ndarray:
Compose an RGB image from radiance data.
da : DataArray
The data array from which radiance data will be taken. It has to be such
that data, when selected on a spectral axis, is 2-dimensional.
channels : sequence of tuples
Three (coordinate label, coordinate value) pairs used to select the data
used to compose the image. Channels are ordered as follows: (R, G, B).
For instance, to select wavelengths (dimension ``"w"``) at 440 (blue),
550 (green) and 660 (red) nm, use
``channels=[("w", 660), ("w", 550), ("w", 440)]``.
normalize : bool, optional
If ``True``, the data will be normalized by its maximum value.
gamma_correction : bool, optional
If ``True``, apply a gamma operator to the data.
An RGB image which can be displayed using
The image processing pipeline implemented by this function is rudimentary.
It only applies, if instructed, a gamma operator. For more advanced tone
mapping operations, use this function with ``normalize=False`` and
``gamma_correction=False``, then apply your own post-processing to the
resulting (N, M, 3)-shaped array.
if len(channels) != 3:
raise ValueError("channel list must have 3 elements (R, G, B)")
# Collect data
result = []
for coord, value in channels:
x = da.sel(**{coord: value}).squeeze().values
if x.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError("only 2D arrays can be assembled into an RGB image")
result.append(np.expand_dims(x, axis=-1))
result = np.concatenate(result, axis=2)
# Normalize to [0, 1] interval
if normalize:
result /= np.max(result)
# Apply gamma correction
if gamma_correction:
result **= 1.0 / 2.2
return result