Source code for eradiate.experiments._canopy_atmosphere

import typing as t

import attrs

from ._atmosphere import measure_inside_atmosphere
from ._core import EarthObservationExperiment
from .. import converters, validators
from ..attrs import AUTO, documented, parse_docs
from ..contexts import KernelDictContext
from ..scenes.atmosphere import (
from ..scenes.biosphere import Canopy, biosphere_factory
from ..scenes.bsdfs import BSDF, LambertianBSDF, bsdf_factory
from ..scenes.core import KernelDict
from ..scenes.integrators import (
from ..scenes.measure import Measure, TargetPoint, TargetRectangle
from ..scenes.shapes import RectangleShape
from ..scenes.surface import BasicSurface, CentralPatchSurface, surface_factory
from ..units import unit_context_config as ucc
from ..units import unit_registry as ureg
from ..util.deprecation import substitute

def _surface_converter(value):
    if isinstance(value, dict):
            # First, attempt conversion to BSDF
            value = bsdf_factory.convert(value)
        except TypeError:
            # If this doesn't work, attempt conversion to Surface
            return surface_factory.convert(value)

    # If we make it to this point, it means that dict conversion has been
    # performed with success
    if isinstance(value, BSDF):
        return BasicSurface(

    return value

[docs]@parse_docs @attrs.define class CanopyAtmosphereExperiment(EarthObservationExperiment): """ Simulate radiation in a scene with an explicit canopy and atmosphere. This experiment assumes that the surface is plane and accounts for ground unit cell padding. Warnings -------- * Canopy padding is controlled using the `padding` parameter: do *not* pad the canopy itself manually. Notes ----- * A post-initialisation step will constrain the measure setup if a distant measure is used and no target is defined: * if a canopy is defined, the target will be set to the top of the canopy unit cell (*i.e.* without its padding); * if no canopy is defined, the target will be set according to the atmosphere (*i.e.* to [0, 0, `toa`] where `toa` is the top-of-atmosphere altitude); * if neither atmosphere nor canopy are defined, the target is set to [0, 0, 0]. * This experiment supports arbitrary measure positioning, except for :class:`.MultiRadiancemeterMeasure`, for which subsensor origins are required to be either all inside or all outside of the atmosphere. If an unsuitable configuration is detected, a :class:`ValueError` will be raised during initialisation. """ geometry: t.Union[PlaneParallelGeometry, SphericalShellGeometry] = documented( attrs.field( default="plane_parallel", converter=AtmosphereGeometry.convert, validator=attrs.validators.instance_of( (PlaneParallelGeometry, SphericalShellGeometry) ), ), doc="Atmosphere geometry.", type=".PlaneParallelGeometry or .SphericalShellGeometry", init_type="str or dict or .AtmosphereGeometry", default="plane_parallel", ) atmosphere: t.Optional[Atmosphere] = documented( attrs.field( factory=HomogeneousAtmosphere, converter=attrs.converters.optional(atmosphere_factory.convert), validator=attrs.validators.optional( attrs.validators.instance_of(Atmosphere) ), ), doc="Atmosphere specification. If set to ``None``, no atmosphere will " "be added. " "This parameter can be specified as a dictionary which will be " "interpreted by :data:`.atmosphere_factory`.", type=".Atmosphere or None", init_type=".Atmosphere or dict or None, optional", default=":class:`HomogeneousAtmosphere() <.HomogeneousAtmosphere>`", ) canopy: t.Optional[Canopy] = documented( attrs.field( default=None, converter=attrs.converters.optional(biosphere_factory.convert), validator=attrs.validators.optional(attrs.validators.instance_of(Canopy)), ), doc="Canopy specification. " "This parameter can be specified as a dictionary which will be " "interpreted by :data:`.biosphere_factory`.", type=".Canopy or None", init_type=".Canopy or dict or None, optional", default="None", ) padding: int = documented( attrs.field(default=0, converter=int, validator=validators.is_positive), doc="Padding level. The canopy will be padded with copies to account for " "adjacency effects. This, in practice, has effects similar to " "making the scene periodic." "A value of 0 will yield only the defined scene. A value of 1 " "will add one copy in every direction, yielding a 3×3 patch. A " "value of 2 will yield a 5×5 patch, etc. The optimal padding level " "depends on the scene.", type="int", init_type="int, optional", default="0", ) surface: t.Union[BasicSurface, CentralPatchSurface, None] = documented( attrs.field( factory=lambda: BasicSurface(bsdf=LambertianBSDF()), converter=attrs.converters.optional(_surface_converter), validator=attrs.validators.optional( attrs.validators.instance_of((BasicSurface, CentralPatchSurface)) ), ), doc="Surface specification. A :class:`.Surface` object may be passed: " "its shape specifications will be bypassed and the surface size will " "be computed automatically upon kernel dictionary generation. " "A :class:`.BSDF` may also be passed: it will be wrapped automatically " "in a :class:`.BasicSurface` instance. If a dictionary is passed, it " "will be first interpreted as a :class:`.BSDF`; if this fails, it will " "then be interpreted as a :class:`.Surface`. Finally, this field can " "be set to ``None``: in that case, no surface will be added.", type=".Surface or None", init_type=".Surface or .BSDF or dict or None, optional", default=":class:`BasicSurface(bsdf=LambertianBSDF()) <.BasicSurface>`", ) _integrator: Integrator = documented( attrs.field( default=AUTO, converter=converters.auto_or(integrator_factory.convert), validator=validators.auto_or( attrs.validators.instance_of(Integrator), ), ), doc="Monte Carlo integration algorithm specification. " "This parameter can be specified as a dictionary which will be " "interpreted by " ":meth:`IntegratorFactory.convert() <.IntegratorFactory.convert>`." "If set to AUTO, the integrator will be set depending on the presence of an atmosphere." "If an atmosphere is defined the integrator defaults to :class:`.VolPathIntegrator`" "otherwise a :class:`.PathIntegrator` will be used.", type=":class:`.Integrator` or AUTO", init_type=":class:`.Integrator` or dict or AUTO", default="AUTO", ) @property def integrator(self) -> Integrator: if self._integrator is AUTO: if self.atmosphere is not None: return VolPathIntegrator() else: return PathIntegrator() return self._integrator def __attrs_post_init__(self): self._normalize_measures() @property def _default_surface_width(self): return 10.0 * ucc.get("length")
[docs] def kernel_dict(self, ctx: KernelDictContext) -> KernelDict: # Inherit docstring result = KernelDict() # Note: Object size computation logic # - The atmosphere, if set, must be the largest object in the # scene. If the geometry setup defines the atmosphere width, it is # used. Otherwise, a size is computed automatically. # - The canopy size must be lower that the atmosphere size if it is # defined. # - The surface must be larger than the largest object in the scene. # If the atmosphere is set, the surface matches its size. # Otherwise, if the canopy is set, the surface matches its size. # Otherwise, the surface defaults to a size possibly specified by the # geometry setup. # Pre-process atmosphere if self.atmosphere is not None: atmosphere = attrs.evolve(self.atmosphere, geometry=self.geometry) atmosphere_width = atmosphere.kernel_width_plane_parallel(ctx) else: atmosphere = None atmosphere_width = 0.0 * ureg.m # Pre-process canopy if self.canopy is not None: canopy_width = max(self.canopy.size[:2]) if self.padding > 0: # We must add extra instances if padding is requested canopy_width *= 2.0 * self.padding + 1.0 canopy = self.canopy.padded_copy(self.padding) else: canopy = self.canopy else: canopy = None canopy_width = 0.0 * ureg.m # Check sizes, compute surface size if atmosphere is not None: assert atmosphere_width > canopy_width surface_width = self._default_surface_width if canopy_width > surface_width: surface_width = canopy_width if atmosphere_width > surface_width: surface_width = atmosphere_width # Pre-process surface if self.surface is not None: altitude = atmosphere.bottom if atmosphere is not None else 0.0 * surface = attrs.evolve( self.surface, shape=RectangleShape.surface(altitude=altitude, width=surface_width), ) else: surface = None # Add all configured elements if atmosphere is not None: result.add(atmosphere, ctx=ctx) if canopy is not None: result.add(canopy, ctx=ctx) if surface is not None: result.add(surface, ctx=ctx) # Process measures for measure in self.measures: if measure_inside_atmosphere(atmosphere, measure, ctx): result.add( measure, ctx=ctx.evolve(atmosphere_medium_id=self.atmosphere.id_medium), ) else: result.add(measure, ctx=ctx) # Process illumination result.add(self.illumination, ctx=ctx) # Process integrator result.add(self.integrator, ctx=ctx) return result
def _normalize_measures(self) -> None: """ Ensure that distant measure targets are set to appropriate values. Processed measures will have its ray target and origin parameters overridden if relevant. """ for measure in self.measures: if measure.is_distant(): if is None: if ( self.canopy is None ): # No canopy: target single point at ground level = TargetPoint( [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * ucc.get("length") ) else: # Canopy: target top of canopy = TargetRectangle( xmin=-0.5 * self.canopy.size[0], xmax=0.5 * self.canopy.size[0], ymin=-0.5 * self.canopy.size[1], ymax=0.5 * self.canopy.size[1], z=self.canopy.size[2], ) def _dataset_metadata(self, measure: Measure) -> t.Dict[str, str]: result = super(CanopyAtmosphereExperiment, self)._dataset_metadata(measure) if measure.is_distant(): result["title"] = "Top-of-atmosphere simulation results" return result
__getattr__ = substitute( { "Rami4ATMExperiment": ( CanopyAtmosphereExperiment, {"deprecated_in": "0.22.5", "removed_in": "0.22.7"}, ) } )