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Mitsuba scene templating#


This class declares an Eradiate parameter in a Mitsuba scene dictionary.


A dict-like structure which defines the structure of an instantiable Mitsuba scene dictionary.

UpdateParameter(evaluator[, flags, ...])

This class declares an Eradiate parameter in a Mitsuba scene parameter update map.

TypeIdLookupStrategy(node_type, node_id, ...)

This parameter ID lookup strategy searches for a Mitsuba type and object ID match.


A dict-like structure which contains the structure of a Mitsuba scene parameter update map.

Mitsuba scene traversal and rendering#

MitsubaObjectWrapper(obj[, parameters, ...])

This container aggregates a Mitsuba object, its associated parameters and a set of updaters that can be used to modify the scene parameters.

mi_traverse(obj[, umap_template])

Traverse a node of the Mitsuba scene graph and return a container holding the Mitsuba scene, its parameter map and an updated parameter update map.

mi_render(mi_scene, ctxs[, sensors, spp, ...])

Render a Mitsuba scene multiple times given specified contexts and sensor indices.

Other helpers#

bitmap_to_dataset(bmp[, dtype])

Format Mitsuba bitmap data as an xarray dataset.

eval_bsdf(plugin, theta_os, phi_os, ...)


Activate Python logging framework for Mitsuba.

map_cube(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)

Map the cube \([-1, 1]^3\) to \([x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max}] \times [y_\mathrm{min}, y_\mathrm{max}] \times [z_\mathrm{min}, z_\mathrm{max}]\).

map_unit_cube(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)

Map the unit cube \([0, 1]^3\) to \([x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max}] \times [y_\mathrm{min}, y_\mathrm{max}] \times [z_\mathrm{min}, z_\mathrm{max}]\).


Reads a volume data binary file.

write_binary_grid3d(filename, values)

Write volume data to a binary file so that a gridvolume kernel plugin can be instantiated with that file.