Source code for eradiate.radprops._atmosphere

Atmosphere's radiative profile.
from __future__ import annotations

from copy import deepcopy

import attrs
import joseki
import numpy as np
import pint
import xarray as xr
from joseki.profiles.core import interp

from ._core import RadProfile, ZGrid, make_dataset
from .absorption import (
from .rayleigh import compute_sigma_s_air
from ..attrs import documented, parse_docs
from ..converters import convert_absorption_data, convert_thermoprops
from ..units import to_quantity
from ..units import unit_registry as ureg
from ..util.misc import cache_by_id, summary_repr
from ..validators import validate_absorption_data

def _absorption_data_repr(
    value: dict[tuple[pint.Quantity], xr.Dataset]
) -> dict[str, str]:
    def repr_k(value):
        """Representation for keys which are wavelength intervals."""
        units = value[0].u
        tmp = (value[0].m, value[1].m_as(units)) * units
        return f"{tmp:.2f~}"

    def repr_v(value):
        """Representation for values which are absorption dataset"""
        return summary_repr(value)

    if len(value) < 10:
        lines = [f"{repr_k(k)}: {repr_v(v)}" for k, v in value.items()]

        lines = []

        for i, (k, v) in enumerate(value.items()):
            if i > 4:
            lines.append(f"{repr_k(k)}: {repr_v(v)}")


        for i, (k, v) in enumerate(reversed(value.items())):
            if i > 4:
            lines.append(f"{repr_k(k)}: {repr_v(v)}")

    return "\n".join(lines)

[docs] @parse_docs @attrs.define(eq=False) class AtmosphereRadProfile(RadProfile): """ Atmospheric radiative profile. Notes ----- The radiative profile is defined by atmospheric thermophysical and absorption coefficient data. """ absorption_data: xr.Dataset | list[xr.Dataset] = documented( attrs.field( converter=convert_absorption_data, validator=validate_absorption_data, repr=_absorption_data_repr, ), doc="Absorption coefficient data. " "If a file path, the absorption coefficient is loaded from the " "specified file (must be a NetCDF file)." "If a tuple, the first element is the dataset codename and the" "second is the desired working wavelength range.", type="Dataset or list of Dataset", init_type="Dataset or list of Dataset or :class:`.PathLike`", ) thermoprops: xr.Dataset = documented( attrs.field( factory=lambda: joseki.make( identifier="afgl_1986-us_standard", z=np.linspace(0.0, 120.0, 121) *, additional_molecules=False, ), converter=convert_thermoprops, repr=summary_repr, ), doc="Atmosphere's thermophysical properties.", type="Dataset", default=( "`joseki.make <>`_" ' with ``identifier`` set to "afgl_1986-us_standard" and ' '``z`` set to "np.linspace(0.0, 120.0, 121) *" and ' '``additional_molecules`` set to "False".' ), ) @thermoprops.validator def _check_thermoprops(self, attribute, value): if not value.joseki.is_valid: raise ValueError( "Invalid thermophysical properties dataset." # TODO: explain what is invalid ) has_absorption: bool = documented( attrs.field( default=True, converter=bool, validator=attrs.validators.instance_of(bool), ), doc="Absorption switch. If ``True``, the absorption coefficient is " "computed. Else, the absorption coefficient is not computed and " "instead set to zero.", type="bool", default="True", ) has_scattering: bool = documented( attrs.field( default=True, converter=bool, validator=attrs.validators.instance_of(bool), ), doc="Scattering switch. If ``True``, the scattering coefficient is " "computed. Else, the scattering coefficient is not computed and " "instead set to zero.", type="bool", default="True", ) _zgrid: ZGrid | None = attrs.field(default=None, init=False) error_handler_config: dict[str, dict[str, str]] = documented( attrs.field( factory=lambda: deepcopy(DEFAULT_HANDLER_CONFIG), validator=attrs.validators.deep_mapping( key_validator=attrs.validators.instance_of(str), value_validator=attrs.validators.deep_mapping( key_validator=attrs.validators.instance_of(str), value_validator=attrs.validators.instance_of(str), ), ), ), doc="Error handler configuration for absorption data interpolation.", type="dict", default=DEFAULT_HANDLER_CONFIG, ) def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.update() def update(self) -> None: self._zgrid = ZGrid(levels=self.levels) @property def levels(self) -> pint.Quantity: return to_quantity(self.thermoprops.z) @property def zgrid(self) -> ZGrid: # Inherit docstring return self._zgrid @cache_by_id def _thermoprops_interp(self, zgrid: ZGrid) -> xr.Dataset: # Interpolate thermophysical profile on specified altitude grid # Note: this value is cached so that repeated calls with the same zgrid # won't trigger an unnecessary computation. return interp( self.thermoprops, z_new=zgrid.levels.m * ureg(str(zgrid.levels.units)), method={"default": "nearest"}, # TODO: revisit ) def eval_albedo_mono(self, w: pint.Quantity, zgrid: ZGrid) -> pint.Quantity: # Inherit docstring sigma_s = self.eval_sigma_s_mono(w, zgrid) sigma_t = self.eval_sigma_t_mono(w, zgrid) return np.divide( sigma_s, sigma_t, where=sigma_t != 0.0, out=np.zeros_like(sigma_s) ).to("dimensionless") def eval_albedo_ckd( self, w: pint.Quantity, g: float, zgrid: ZGrid, ) -> pint.Quantity: sigma_s = self.eval_sigma_s_ckd(w=w, g=g, zgrid=zgrid) sigma_t = self.eval_sigma_t_ckd(w=w, g=g, zgrid=zgrid) return np.divide( sigma_s, sigma_t, where=sigma_t != 0.0, out=np.zeros_like(sigma_s) ).to("dimensionless")
[docs] def eval_sigma_a_mono(self, w: pint.Quantity, zgrid: ZGrid) -> pint.Quantity: # NOTE: this method accepts 'w'-arrays and is vectorized as far as # each individual absorption dataset is concerned, namely when the # wavelengths span multiple datasets we for-loop over them. w = np.atleast_1d(w) if self.has_absorption: values = eval_sigma_a_mono_impl( # values at altitude levels self.absorption_data, thermoprops=self._thermoprops_interp(zgrid), w=w, error_handler_config=self.error_handler_config, ) # axis order = (w, z) # project on altitude layers return 0.5 * (values[:, 1:] + values[:, :-1]).squeeze() else: return np.zeros((w.size, zgrid.n_layers)).squeeze() /
[docs] def eval_sigma_a_ckd( self, w: pint.Quantity, g: float, zgrid: ZGrid, ) -> pint.Quantity: # NOTE: this method accepts 'w'-arrays and is vectorized as far as # each individual absorption dataset is concerned, namely when the # wavelengths span multiple datasets we for-loop over them. w = np.atleast_1d(w) if self.has_absorption: values = eval_sigma_a_ckd_impl( # values at altitude levels self.absorption_data, thermoprops=self._thermoprops_interp(zgrid), w=w, g=g, error_handler_config=self.error_handler_config, ) # axis order = (w, z) # project on altitude layers return 0.5 * (values[:, 1:] + values[:, :-1]).squeeze() else: return np.zeros((w.size, zgrid.n_layers)).squeeze() /
def eval_sigma_s_mono(self, w: pint.Quantity, zgrid: ZGrid) -> pint.Quantity: if self.has_scattering: thermoprops = self._thermoprops_interp(zgrid) sigma_s = compute_sigma_s_air( wavelength=w, number_density=to_quantity(thermoprops.n), ) # project on altitude layers return 0.5 * (sigma_s[1:] + sigma_s[:-1]) else: return np.zeros((1, zgrid.n_layers)) / def eval_sigma_s_ckd( self, w: pint.Quantity, g: float, zgrid: ZGrid, ) -> pint.Quantity: return self.eval_sigma_s_mono(w=w, zgrid=zgrid) def eval_sigma_t_mono(self, w: pint.Quantity, zgrid: ZGrid) -> pint.Quantity: sigma_a = self.eval_sigma_a_mono(w=w, zgrid=zgrid) sigma_s = self.eval_sigma_s_mono(w=w, zgrid=zgrid) return sigma_a + sigma_s def eval_sigma_t_ckd( self, w: pint.Quantity, g: float, zgrid: ZGrid, ) -> pint.Quantity: sigma_a = self.eval_sigma_a_ckd(w=w, g=g, zgrid=zgrid) sigma_s = self.eval_sigma_s_ckd(w=w, g=g, zgrid=zgrid) return sigma_a + sigma_s def eval_dataset_mono(self, w: pint.Quantity, zgrid: ZGrid) -> xr.Dataset: return make_dataset( wavelength=w, z_level=zgrid.levels, z_layer=zgrid.layers, sigma_a=self.eval_sigma_a_mono(w, zgrid), sigma_s=self.eval_sigma_s_mono(w, zgrid), ).squeeze() def eval_dataset_ckd( self, w: pint.Quantity, g: float, zgrid: ZGrid, ) -> xr.Dataset: return make_dataset( wavelength=w, z_level=zgrid.levels, z_layer=zgrid.layers, sigma_a=self.eval_sigma_a_ckd(w=w, g=g, zgrid=zgrid), sigma_s=self.eval_sigma_s_ckd(w=w, g=g, zgrid=zgrid), ).squeeze()