Source code for eradiate.scenes.illumination._astro_object

from __future__ import annotations

import attrs
import numpy as np
import pint
import pinttr

from ._directional import DirectionalIllumination
from ...attrs import documented, parse_docs
from ...frame import angles_to_direction
from ...units import unit_context_config as ucc
from ...units import unit_registry as ureg
from ...validators import is_positive

[docs] @parse_docs @attrs.define(eq=False, slots=False) class AstroObjectIllumination(DirectionalIllumination): """ Astronomical Object Illumination scene element [``astro_object``]. This illumination represents the light coming from a distant astronomical object (*e.g.* the Sun). The astronomical object uniformly illuminates a portion of the sky such that it appears to the observer as a circle. Its size is defined by the apparent diameter of the circle, expressed in degrees. Warnings -------- This is an experimental feature. At the moment, using the :class:`.DirectionalIllumination` is recommended. Notes ----- Contrary to the directional illuminant, the astronomical object is not a delta emitter, *i.e.* it has a non-zero apparent size. Light rays cast by this illuminant are, from the point of view of the observer, encompassed in a cone, while they are parallel in the case of the directional illumination. """ angular_diameter: pint.Quantity = documented( pinttr.field( default=0.5358 * ureg.deg, validator=[is_positive, pinttr.validators.has_compatible_units], units=ucc.deferred("angle"), ), doc="Apparent diameter of the celestial body as seen from the point. " "The default value is an average of the apparent diameter of the " "Sun as seen from Earth.\n" "\n" "Unit-enabled field (default units: ucc['angle']).", type="quantity", init_type="quantity or float", default="0.5358 deg", ) @property def direction(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Illumination direction as an array of shape (3,), pointing inwards. """ return angles_to_direction( [self.zenith.m_as(ureg.rad), self.azimuth.m_as(ureg.rad)], azimuth_convention=self.azimuth_convention, flip=False, ).reshape((3,)) @property def template(self) -> dict: # Inherit docstring return { "type": "astroobject", "to_world": self._to_world, "angular_diameter": self.angular_diameter.m_as("degree"), }