Source code for eradiate.scenes.surface._dem

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings

import attrs
import mitsuba as mi
import numpy as np
import pint
import xarray as xr

from ._core import Surface
from ..bsdfs import BSDF, LambertianBSDF, OpacityMaskBSDF
from ..core import SceneElement
from ..geometry import PlaneParallelGeometry, SceneGeometry, SphericalShellGeometry
from ..shapes import (
from ...attrs import documented, get_doc, parse_docs
from ...constants import EARTH_RADIUS
from ...units import to_quantity
from ...units import unit_context_config as ucc
from ...units import unit_context_kernel as uck
from ...units import unit_registry as ureg

[docs] def mesh_from_dem( da: xr.DataArray, geometry: str | dict | SceneGeometry, planet_radius: pint.Quantity | float | None = None, ) -> "mitsuba.Mesh": """ Construct a DEM surface from a data array holding elevation data. Parameters ---------- da : DataArray Data array with elevation data, indexed either by latitude and longitude coordinates or x and y coordinates. geometry : .SceneGeometry or dict or str Scene geometry configuration. The value is pre-processed by the :meth:`.SceneGeometry.convert` converter. planet_radius : quantity or float, default: .EARTH_RADIUS Planet radius used to convert latitude/longitude to x/y when `geometry` is a :class:`.PlaneParallelGeometry` instance. This parameter is unused otherwise. If a unitless value is passed, it is interpreted using :ref:`default config length units <sec-user_guide-unit_guide_user>`. Returns ------- mesh : .BufferMeshShape A triangulated mesh representing the DEM. theta_lim : pint.Quantity The limits of the latitude extent of the DEM. phi_lim : pint.Quantity The limits of the longitude extent of the DEM. Notes ----- The ``da`` parameter may use the following formats: * with latitude and longitude based coordinates, then named ``"lat"`` and ``"lon"``; * with x and y length based coordinates, then named ``"x"`` and ``"y"``. Coordinate and variable units are specified using the ``units`` xarray attributes. """ # Pre-process geometry parameter geometry = SceneGeometry.convert(geometry) if isinstance(geometry, SphericalShellGeometry) and planet_radius is not None: warnings.warn("SphericalShellGeometry overrides the `planet_radius` argument.") # Add default units if quantity is unitless if planet_radius is not None and not isinstance(planet_radius, pint.Quantity): planet_radius = planet_radius * ucc.get("length") # Set default if in a plane-parallel setup planet_radius = EARTH_RADIUS if planet_radius is None else planet_radius if "lat" in da.coords and "lon" in da.coords: elevation = to_quantity(da.transpose("lat", "lon")) lat = ureg.Quantity(, da["lat"].attrs["units"]).m_as(ureg.deg) lon = ureg.Quantity(da.lon.values, da["lon"].attrs["units"]).m_as(ureg.deg) vertices = _generate_dem_vertices(lat, lon, elevation.m_as(uck.get("length"))) faces = _generate_face_indices(len(lat), len(lon)) elif "x" in da.coords and "y" in da.coords: elevation = to_quantity(da.transpose("x", "y")) if isinstance(geometry, SphericalShellGeometry): planet_radius = geometry.planet_radius x = np.rad2deg( (ureg.Quantity(da.x.values, da["x"].attrs["units"]) / planet_radius).m ) y = np.rad2deg( (ureg.Quantity(da.y.values, da["y"].attrs["units"]) / planet_radius).m ) vertices = _generate_dem_vertices(x, y, elevation.m_as(uck.get("length"))) faces = _generate_face_indices(len(x), len(y)) else: raise ValueError( "Data array coordinates must be either `x/y` or " f"`lat/lon`.\nGot: {da.coords}" ) theta_lim, phi_lim = _minmax_coordinates(vertices) theta_mean, phi_mean = _mean_coordinates(vertices) atmo_bottom = geometry.ground_altitude if isinstance(geometry, SphericalShellGeometry): trafo = ( mi.ScalarTransform4f.rotate(axis=[0, 0, 1], angle=-90) @ mi.ScalarTransform4f.rotate(axis=[0, 1, 0], angle=-(90 - theta_mean)) @ mi.ScalarTransform4f.rotate(axis=[0, 0, 1], angle=-phi_mean) ).matrix.numpy()[:3, :3] vertices_spherical = _transform_vertices_spherical_shell( vertices, geometry.planet_radius.m_as(uck.get("length")) ) vertices_new = [ for vertex in vertices_spherical] * uck.get( "length" ) mesh = BufferMeshShape(vertices=vertices_new, faces=faces) elif isinstance(geometry, PlaneParallelGeometry): vertices_new = _transform_vertices_plane_parallel( vertices, planet_radius=planet_radius.m_as(uck.get("length")), altitude=atmo_bottom.m_as(uck.get("length")), ) * uck.get("length") mesh = BufferMeshShape(vertices=vertices_new, faces=faces) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported scene geometry: {geometry}") return mesh, theta_lim * ureg.deg, phi_lim * ureg.deg
def _generate_dem_vertices(x, y, elevation): """ Generate DEM vertex positions as (latitude, longitude, elevation) triplets for a plane parallel geometry. Parameters ---------- x : array-like Points along the latitude axis of the DEM y : array-like Points along the longitude axis of the DEM elevation : array-like Elevation data Returns ------- vertices : array DEM vertices as (lat, lon, elevation) triplets. """ y_gr, x_gr = np.meshgrid(y, x) vertices = np.array((x_gr.ravel(), y_gr.ravel(), elevation.ravel())).transpose() return vertices def _vertex_index(x, y, len_y): """ Vertex index for a given row and column of gridded vertex data This function handles vectorized index lookup with numpy arrays, as well as individual lookup using floats. Parameters ---------- x : np.array Row index of the vertex grid y : np.array Column index of the vertex grid len_y : float Length of the second dimension of the vertex grid Returns ------- index : np.array Index of the vertex in a flattened structure. """ return x * len_y + y def _generate_face_indices(len_x, len_y): """ Generate indices for face definition in a mesh with gridded vertex positions Parameters ---------- len_x : float Length of the row dimension of the vertex grid len_y : float Length of the column dimension of the vertex grid Returns ------- face_indices : np.array (n, 3) array defining faces of the triangulated mesh for the DEM. """ x = np.array(range(len_x - 1)) y = np.array(range(len_y - 1)) xg, yg = np.meshgrid(x, y) vertex_sw = _vertex_index(xg.flatten(), yg.flatten(), len_y) xg, yg = np.meshgrid(x + 1, y + 1) vertex_ne = _vertex_index(xg.flatten(), yg.flatten(), len_y) xg, yg = np.meshgrid(x, y + 1) vertex_nw = _vertex_index(xg.flatten(), yg.flatten(), len_y) xg, yg = np.meshgrid(x + 1, y) vertex_se = _vertex_index(xg.flatten(), yg.flatten(), len_y) face_indices_1 = np.array((vertex_ne, vertex_sw, vertex_nw)).transpose() face_indices_2 = np.array((vertex_se, vertex_sw, vertex_ne)).transpose() face_indices = np.concatenate((face_indices_1, face_indices_2)) return face_indices def _transform_vertices_spherical_shell(vertices, planet_radius): """ Convert the (lat, lon, elevation) vertices from the initial vertex generation into (x, y, z) values for spherical shell geometries. Parameters ---------- vertices : array-like List of mesh vertices in (lat, lon, elevation) tuples. planet_radius : float Planet radius; assumed to be given in kernel units """ theta_r = np.deg2rad(90 - vertices[:, 0]) phi_r = np.deg2rad(vertices[:, 1]) x = np.sin(theta_r) * np.cos(phi_r) * (planet_radius + vertices[:, 2]) y = np.sin(theta_r) * np.sin(phi_r) * (planet_radius + vertices[:, 2]) z = np.cos(theta_r) * (planet_radius + vertices[:, 2]) vertices_new = np.array((x, y, z)).transpose() return vertices_new def _transform_vertices_plane_parallel(vertices, planet_radius, altitude): """ Convert the (lat, lon, elevation) vertices from the initial vertex generation into (x, y, z) values for plane parallel atmosphere geometries. Parameters ---------- vertices : array-like List of mesh vertices in (lat, lon, elevation) tuples. planet_radius : float Planet radius; assumed to be given in kernel units altitude : float Atmosphere bottom altitude; assumed to be given in kernel units """ theta_mean, phi_mean = _mean_coordinates(vertices) phi_local = np.deg2rad(vertices[:, 1] - phi_mean) theta_local = np.deg2rad(vertices[:, 0] - theta_mean) x = phi_local * planet_radius y = theta_local * planet_radius z = vertices[:, 2] + altitude vertices_new = np.array((x, y, z)).transpose() return vertices_new def _mean_coordinates(vertices): """ Return the mean of the latitude and longitude values in the vertex list. The mean is computed as the average of the smallest and largest value in each set. """ (theta_min, theta_max), (phi_min, phi_max) = _minmax_coordinates(vertices) phi_mean = ((phi_max + phi_min) / 2.0) % 360 theta_mean = (theta_max + theta_min) / 2.0 return theta_mean, phi_mean def _minmax_coordinates(vertices): """ Return the minimum and maximum values of the latitude and longitude values in the vertex list. """ theta_min = np.min(vertices[:, 0]) theta_max = np.max(vertices[:, 0]) phi_min = np.min(vertices[:, 1]) phi_max = np.max(vertices[:, 1]) return (theta_min, theta_max), (phi_min, phi_max) def _to_uv(lat_min, lat_max, lon_min, lon_max) -> "mitsuba.ScalarTransform4f": """ Compute the `to_uv` transformation for the opacity mask bitmap. To do this, the latitude and longitude extent of the DEM specification are used. To avoid intersection between the terrain mesh and the surrounding background shape, an opacity mask is attached to the background's BSDF. """ lon_range = lon_max - lon_min lon_scale = 120 / lon_range lat_range = lat_max - lat_min lat_scale = 60 / lat_range lon_mean = (lon_max + lon_min) / 2.0 lon_uv = lon_mean / 360 + 0.5 lat_mean = (lat_max + lat_min) / 2.0 lat_uv = 0.5 - (lat_mean / 180) return mi.ScalarTransform4f.scale( (lon_scale, lat_scale, 1) ) @ mi.ScalarTransform4f.translate( (-lon_uv + (0.5 / lon_scale), -lat_uv + (0.5 / lat_scale), 0) )
[docs] @parse_docs @attrs.define(eq=False, slots=False) class DEMSurface(Surface): """ DEM Surface [``dem``] A mesh based representation of surface DEMs. """ id: str | None = documented( attrs.field( default="terrain", validator=attrs.validators.optional(attrs.validators.instance_of(str)), ), doc=get_doc(Surface, "id", "doc"), type=get_doc(Surface, "id", "type"), init_type=get_doc(Surface, "id", "init_type"), default='"surface"', ) shape: Shape = documented( attrs.field( converter=attrs.converters.optional(shape_factory.convert), validator=attrs.validators.optional( attrs.validators.instance_of((BufferMeshShape, FileMeshShape)) ), kw_only=True, default=None, ), doc="Shape describing the surface.", type=".BufferMeshShape or .FileMeshShape or None", init_type=".BufferMeshShape or .OBJMeshShape or .PLYMeshShape or dict", default="None", ) shape_background: Shape = documented( attrs.field( converter=attrs.converters.optional(shape_factory.convert), validator=attrs.validators.optional( attrs.validators.instance_of((SphereShape, RectangleShape)) ), kw_only=True, default=None, ), doc="Shape describing the background surface.", type=".SphereShape or .RectangleShape or None", init_type=".SphereShape or .RectangleShape or dict, optional", default="None", ) @property def _shape_id(self) -> str: """ Mitsuba shape object identifier. """ return f"{}_shape" @property def _bsdf_id(self) -> str: """ Mitsuba BSDF object identifier. """ return f"{}_bsdf" @property def _template_shapes(self) -> dict: return {} @property def _params_shapes(self) -> dict: return {} @property def _template_bsdfs(self) -> dict: return {} @property def _params_bsdfs(self) -> dict: return {} @property def objects(self) -> dict[str, SceneElement]: # Inherit docstring return { self._shape_id: self.shape, f"{self._shape_id}_background": self.shape_background, }
[docs] @classmethod def from_mesh( cls, mesh: BufferMeshShape | FileMeshShape, lat: pint.Quantity, lon: pint.Quantity, id: str = "surface", geometry: SceneGeometry = None, planet_radius: pint.Quantity = None, bsdf: BSDF = None, ) -> DEMSurface: """ Construct a DEMSurface from a mesh object and coordinates which specify its location. Parameters ---------- mesh : .BufferMeshShape or .FileMeshShape DEM as a triangulated mesh. lat : pint.Quantity Limits of the latitude range covered by the DEM. lon : pint.Quantity Limits of the longitude range covered by the DEM. id : str, optional, default: "surface" Identifier of the scene element. geometry : .SceneGeometry, optional, default: :class:`PlaneParallelGeometry() <.PlaneParallelGeometry>` Atmospheric geometry of the scene. planet_radius : pint.Quantity, optional, default: .EARTH_RADIUS Planet radius. Used only in case of a plane parallel geometry to convert between latitude/longitude and x/y coordinates. bsdf : .BSDF, optional, default: :class:`LambertianBSDF() <.LambertianBSDF>` Scattering model attached to the surface. Returns ------- .DEMSurface """ geometry = PlaneParallelGeometry() if geometry is None else geometry bsdf = LambertianBSDF() if bsdf is None else bsdf bsdf_id = f"{id}_bsdf" mesh = attrs.evolve(mesh, bsdf=bsdf) if isinstance(geometry, SphericalShellGeometry): if planet_radius is not None: warnings.warn( "SphericalShellGeometry overrides the `planet_radius` argument." ) opacity_mask_trafo = _to_uv(*lat.m_as(ureg.deg), *lon.m_as(ureg.deg)) opacity_array = np.ones((3, 3)) opacity_array[1, 1] = 0 opacity_bitmap = mi.Bitmap(opacity_array) opacity_bsdf = OpacityMaskBSDF( id=f"{bsdf_id}_shape_background", nested_bsdf=bsdf, opacity_bitmap=opacity_bitmap, uv_trafo=opacity_mask_trafo, ) # The 'hole' in the background surface is created at the equator: # we rotate it to trafo = ( mi.ScalarTransform4f.rotate(axis=[0, 0, 1], angle=90) @ mi.ScalarTransform4f.rotate( axis=[0, 1, 0], angle=(90 - np.mean(lat.m_as(ureg.deg))) ) @ mi.ScalarTransform4f.rotate( axis=[0, 0, 1], angle=-np.mean(lon.m_as(ureg.deg)) ) ) surface_background = SphereShape( id=f"{id}_shape_background", center=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0] * geometry.planet_radius.units, radius=geometry.planet_radius + geometry.ground_altitude, bsdf=opacity_bsdf, to_world=trafo, ) elif isinstance(geometry, PlaneParallelGeometry): planet_radius = EARTH_RADIUS if planet_radius is None else planet_radius lat_length = (lat[1] - lat[0]).m_as(ureg.rad) * planet_radius lat_scale = (geometry.width / (lat_length * 3)).magnitude lon_length = (lon[1] - lon[0]).m_as(ureg.rad) * planet_radius lon_scale = (geometry.width / (lon_length * 3)).magnitude opacity_mask_trafo = mi.ScalarTransform4f.scale( (lon_scale, lat_scale, 1) ) @ mi.ScalarTransform4f.translate( (-0.5 + (0.5 / lon_scale), -0.5 + (0.5 / lat_scale), 0) ) opacity_array = np.ones((3, 3)) opacity_array[1, 1] = 0 opacity_bsdf = OpacityMaskBSDF( nested_bsdf=bsdf, opacity_bitmap=opacity_array, uv_trafo=opacity_mask_trafo, ) surface_background = RectangleShape( id=f"{id}_background", edges=geometry.width, center=[0.0, 0.0, geometry.ground_altitude.m] * geometry.ground_altitude.units, normal=np.array([0, 0, 1]), up=np.array([0, 1, 0]), bsdf=opacity_bsdf, ) return cls(shape=mesh, shape_background=surface_background, id=id)