Source code for eradiate.spectral.ckd

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import typing as t

import attrs
import numpy as np
import pint
import pinttr
import xarray as xr

from .index import CKDSpectralIndex
from .spectral_set import SpectralSet
from ..attrs import documented, parse_docs
from ..quad import Quad, QuadType
from ..units import to_quantity
from ..units import unit_context_config as ucc
from ..units import unit_registry as ureg
from ..util.misc import round_to_multiple

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                              CKD bin data classes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs] @parse_docs @attrs.define(eq=False, frozen=True, slots=True) class Bin: """ A data class representing a spectral bin in CKD modes. Notes ----- A bin is more than a spectral interval. It is associated with a quadrature rule. """ wmin: pint.Quantity = documented( pinttr.field( units=ucc.deferred("wavelength"), on_setattr=None, # frozen instance: on_setattr must be disabled ), doc="Bin lower spectral bound.\n\nUnit-enabled field " '(default: ucc["wavelength"]).', type="quantity", init_type="quantity or float", ) wmax: pint.Quantity = documented( pinttr.field( units=ucc.deferred("wavelength"), on_setattr=None, # frozen instance: on_setattr must be disabled ), doc="Bin upper spectral bound.\n\nUnit-enabled field " '(default: ucc["wavelength"]).', type="quantity", init_type="quantity or float", ) @wmin.validator @wmax.validator def _wbounds_validator(self, attribute, value): if not self.wmin < self.wmax: raise ValueError( f"while validating {}: wmin must be lower than wmax" ) quad: Quad = documented( attrs.field( factory=lambda: Quad.gauss_legendre(2), repr=lambda x: x.str_summary, validator=attrs.validators.instance_of(Quad), ), doc="Quadrature rule attached to the CKD bin.", type=":class:`.Quad`", ) @property def width(self) -> pint.Quantity: """quantity : Bin spectral width.""" return self.wmax - self.wmin @property def wcenter(self) -> pint.Quantity: """quantity : Bin central wavelength.""" return 0.5 * (self.wmin + self.wmax) @property def pretty_repr(self) -> str: """str : Pretty representation of the bin.""" units = ureg.Unit("nm") wrange = ( f"[{self.wmin.m_as(units):.1f}, {self.wmax.m_as(units):.1f}] {units:~P}" ) quad = self.quad.pretty_repr() return f"{wrange}: {quad}" def spectral_indices(self) -> t.Generator[CKDSpectralIndex]: for value in self.quad.eval_nodes(interval=[0.0, 1.0]): yield CKDSpectralIndex(w=self.wcenter, g=value)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # CKD quadrature setup classes # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @parse_docs @attrs.define class QuadSpec: """ Abstract base class for all quadrature specification patterns. Each subclass defines a strategy used to generate a spectral quadrature corresponding to a CKD dataset and must implement the strategy in the :meth:`make_quad`. """
[docs] @staticmethod def default() -> QuadSpecFixed: """ Return the default spectral quadrature (Gauss-Legendre, 16 *g*-points). """ return QuadSpecFixed(n=16, quad_type="gauss_legendre")
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict( value: dict[str, t.Any], ) -> QuadSpecFixed | QuadSpecMinError | QuadSpecErrorThreshold: """ Create a quadrature specification subtype from a dictionary. The dictionary must have a ``type`` entry, whose value maps to a give quadrature specification subtype as follows: * ``fixed``: :class:`.QuadSpecFixed` * ``minimize_error``: :class:`.QuadSpecMinError` * ``error_threshold``: :class:`.QuadSpecErrorThreshold` Parameters ---------- value : dict A dictionary mapping parameter names to their respective values. Returns ------- QuadSpec """ try: subtype: str = value.pop("type") except KeyError: raise ValueError("dictionary input must have a 'type' entry") if subtype == "fixed": cls = QuadSpecFixed elif subtype in {"minimize", "minimize_error"}: cls = QuadSpecMinError elif subtype in {"threshold", "error_threshold"}: cls = QuadSpecErrorThreshold else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown quadrature specification '{subtype}'") return cls.from_dict(value)
[docs] @classmethod def convert(cls, value: t.Any) -> QuadSpec: """ Attempt conversion to a :class:`.QuadSpec` instance. If `value` is a dictionary, it is passed to :meth:`.from_dict`; otherwise, it is left unchanged. """ if isinstance(value, dict): return cls.from_dict(value) else: return value
[docs] def make_quad(self, dataset: xr.Dataset) -> Quad: """ Apply the quadrature generation strategy and generate a quadrature rule for a given dataset. Parameters ---------- dataset : Dataset An xarray dataset following the CKD absorption data format, for which a quadrature rule is generated. Returns ------- .Quad """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @parse_docs @attrs.define class QuadSpecFixed(QuadSpec): """ Fixed number of quadrature points [``fixed``] Use a fixed number of quadrature points for all bins. If the quadrature is specified this way, the quadrature type has to be explicitly specified using the ``type`` field. """ n: int = documented( attrs.field(), doc="Number of quadrature points", type="int", ) quad_type: QuadType = documented( attrs.field(default="gauss_legendre", converter=QuadType), doc="Quadrature type", type=".QuadType", init_type=".QuadType or str", default='"gauss_legendre"', )
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, value: dict[str, t.Any]) -> QuadSpecFixed: return cls(**value)
[docs] def make_quad(self, dataset: xr.Dataset) -> Quad: # Inherit docstring return, n=self.n)
[docs] @parse_docs @attrs.define class QuadSpecMinError(QuadSpec): """ Error-minimizing number of quadrature points [``minimize_error``] Find the number of quadrature points that minimizes the error on the atmospheric transmittance. The quadrature type """ nmax: int | None = documented( attrs.field( default=None, converter=attrs.converters.optional(int), ), doc="Maximum number of quadrature points", type="int or None", init_type="int, optional", )
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, value: dict[str, t.Any]) -> QuadSpecMinError: return cls(**value)
[docs] def make_quad(self, dataset: xr.Dataset) -> Quad: # Inherit docstring n = ng_minimum(error=dataset.error, ng_max=self.nmax) quad_type ="quadrature_type", "gauss_legendre") return, n=n)
[docs] @parse_docs @attrs.define class QuadSpecErrorThreshold(QuadSpec): """ Error-threshold number of quadrature points [``error_threshold``] Find the number of quadrature points so that the error on the atmospheric transmittance is below a specified threshold. """ threshold: float = documented( attrs.field(), doc="Error threshold value", type="float", ) nmax: int | None = documented( attrs.field( default=None, converter=attrs.converters.optional(int), ), doc="Maximum number of quadrature points", type="int or None", init_type="int, optional", )
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, value: dict[str, t.Any]) -> QuadSpecErrorThreshold: return cls(**value)
[docs] def make_quad(self, dataset: xr.Dataset) -> Quad: # Inherit docstring quad_type ="quadrature_type", "gauss_legendre") n = ng_threshold( error=dataset.error, threshold=self.threshold, ng_max=self.nmax ) return, n=n)
def ng_minimum(error: xr.DataArray, ng_max: int | None = None): """ Find the number of quadrature points that minimizes the error. Parameters ---------- error : DataArray Error data. ng_max : int, optional Maximum number of quadrature points. If not provided, it will be inferred from the error data. Returns ------- int Number of quadrature points that minimizes the error. """ if ng_max is None: ng_max = int( error_w0 = error.isel(w=0) ng_min = int( == error_w0.min(), drop=True)[0]) return ng_max if ng_min > ng_max else ng_min def ng_threshold( error: xr.DataArray, threshold: float, ng_max: int | None = None, ): """ Find the number of quadrature points so that the error is (strictly) below a specified threshold value. Parameters ---------- error : DataArray Error data. threshold : float Error threshold. ng_max : int, optional Maximum number of quadrature points. If not provided, it will be inferred from the error data. Returns ------- int Number of quadrature points so that the error is below the threshold. """ if ng_max is None: ng_max = int( error_w0 = error.isel(w=0) ng = < threshold, drop=True) if ng.size == 0: return ng_max else: ng = int(ng[0]) return ng_max if ng > ng_max else ng # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Bin set data class # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @parse_docs @attrs.define(eq=False, frozen=True, slots=True) class BinSet(SpectralSet): """ A data class representing a bin set used in CKD mode. See Also -------- :class:`.WavelengthSet` """ bins: list[Bin] = documented( attrs.field( converter=list, validator=attrs.validators.deep_iterable( member_validator=attrs.validators.instance_of(Bin) ), ), doc="Set of bins.", type="list of :class:`.Bin`", init_type="iterable of :class:`.Bin`", ) def spectral_indices(self) -> t.Generator[CKDSpectralIndex]: for bin in self.bins: yield from bin.spectral_indices() @property def wavelengths(self) -> pint.Quantity: return self.wcenters @property def wcenters(self) -> pint.Quantity: """ Return the central wavelength of all bins. """ units = ucc.get("wavelength") return [bin.wcenter.m_as(units) for bin in self.bins] * units @property def wmins(self) -> pint.Quantity: """ Return the lower bound of all bins. """ units = ucc.get("wavelength") return [bin.wmin.m_as(units) for bin in self.bins] * units @property def wmaxs(self) -> pint.Quantity: """ Return the upper bound of all bins. """ units = ucc.get("wavelength") return [bin.wmax.m_as(units) for bin in self.bins] * units
[docs] @classmethod @ureg.wraps(None, (None, "nm", "nm", "nm", None), strict=False) def arange( cls, start: pint.Quantity, stop: pint.Quantity, step: pint.Quantity = 10.0 * ureg.nm, quad: Quad | None = None, ) -> BinSet: """ Generate a bin set with linearly spaced bins. Parameters ---------- start : quantity or float Lower bound of first bin. If a float is passed, it is interpreted as being in units of nm. stop : quantity Upper bound of last bin. If a float is passed, it is interpreted as being in units of nm. step : quantity, default: 10 nm Bin width. If a float is passed, it is interpreted as being in units of nm. quad : .Quad, optional Quadrature rule (same for all bins in the set). Defaults to a one-point Gauss-Legendre quadrature. Returns ------- :class:`.BinSet` Generated bin set. """ if quad is None: quad = Quad.gauss_legendre(1) wmins = np.arange(start, stop, step) wmaxs = wmins + step wunits = ucc.get("wavelength") bins = [ Bin( wmin=(wmin * ureg.nm).to(wunits), wmax=(wmax * ureg.nm).to(wunits), quad=quad, ) for wmin, wmax in zip(wmins, wmaxs) ] return cls(bins)
[docs] @classmethod def from_srf( cls, srf: xr.Dataset, step: pint.Quantity = 10.0 * ureg.nm, quad: Quad | None = None, ) -> BinSet: """ Generate a bin set with linearly spaced bins covering the spectral range of a spectral response function. Parameters ---------- srf : Dataset Spectral response function dataset. step : quantity Wavelength step. quad : .Quad, optional Quadrature rule (same for all bins in the set). Defaults to a one-point Gauss-Legendre quadrature. Returns ------- :class:`.BinSet` Generated bin set. """ wavelengths = to_quantity(srf.w) wmin = wavelengths.min() wmax = wavelengths.max() return cls.arange(start=wmin - step, stop=wmax + step, step=step, quad=quad)
@classmethod def from_wavelength_bounds( cls, wmin: pint.Quantity, wmax: pint.Quantity, quad: Quad | None = None ) -> BinSet: if quad is None: quad = Quad.gauss_legendre(1) return cls( bins=[ Bin(wmin=_wmin, wmax=_wmax, quad=quad) for _wmin, _wmax in zip(np.atleast_1d(wmin), np.atleast_1d(wmax)) ] )
[docs] @classmethod def from_absorption_data( cls, datasets: xr.Dataset | t.Sequence[xr.Dataset], quad_spec: QuadSpec | None = None, ) -> BinSet: """ Generate a bin set from one or several absorption datasets. Parameters ---------- datasets : Dataset or sequence of Dataset Absorption dataset. quad_spec : .QuadSpec Quadrature rule specification. If provided, it will be used to generate the quadrature rule based on error data in the absorption dataset. Returns ------- :class:`.BinSet` Generated bin set. Notes ----- Assumes that the absorption datasets have a ``wbounds`` data variable. """ if isinstance(datasets, xr.Dataset): datasets = [datasets] if quad_spec is None: quad_spec = QuadSpec.default() bins = [] for dataset in datasets: # make quadrature rule quad = quad_spec.make_quad(dataset) # determine wavelength bounds wlower = to_quantity(dataset.wbounds.sel(wbv="lower")) wupper = to_quantity(dataset.wbounds.sel(wbv="upper")) if wlower.check("[length]"): wmin = wlower wmax = wupper elif wlower.check("[length]^-1"): wmin = (1.0 / wupper).to("nm") # min wavelength is max wavenumber wmax = (1.0 / wlower).to("nm") # max wavelength is min wavenumber else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid dimensionality for dataset spectral coordinate; " f"expected [length] or [length]^-1 " f"(got {wlower.dimensionality})" ) binset = cls.from_wavelength_bounds(wmin=wmin, wmax=wmax, quad=quad) bins.extend(binset.bins) return cls(bins=bins)
[docs] @classmethod def default(cls): """ Generate a default bin set, which covers Eradiate's default spectral range with 10 nm-wide bins. """ wmin = round_to_multiple(SPECTRAL_RANGE_MIN.m_as(ureg.nm), 10.0, "nearest") wmax = round_to_multiple(SPECTRAL_RANGE_MAX.m_as(ureg.nm), 10.0, "nearest") dw = 10.0 return BinSet.arange( start=wmin * ureg.nm, stop=wmax * ureg.nm, step=dw * ureg.nm )