Source code for eradiate.converters

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = [

import os
import typing as t
from pathlib import Path

import mitsuba as mi
import numpy as np
import pint
import xarray as xr

import eradiate

from . import data
from .attrs import AUTO
from .data import data_store
from .data._util import locate_absorption_data
from .exceptions import UnsupportedModeError
from .typing import PathLike
from .units import to_quantity

[docs] def on_quantity( wrapped_converter: t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any] ) -> t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any]: """ Apply a converter to the magnitude of a :class:`pint.Quantity`. Parameters ---------- wrapped_converter : callable The converter which will be applied to the magnitude of a :class:`pint.Quantity`. Returns ------- callable """ def f(value: t.Any) -> t.Any: if isinstance(value, pint.Quantity): return wrapped_converter(value.magnitude) * value.units else: return wrapped_converter(value) return f
[docs] def auto_or( wrapped_converter: t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any] ) -> t.Callable[[t.Any], t.Any]: """ A converter that allows an attribute to be set to :data:`.AUTO`. Parameters ---------- wrapped_converter : callable The converter that is used for non-:data:`.AUTO` values. Returns ------- callable """ def f(value): if value is AUTO: return value return wrapped_converter(value) return f
[docs] def to_dataset( load_from_id: t.Callable[[str], xr.Dataset] | None = None, ) -> t.Callable[[xr.Dataset | PathLike], xr.Dataset]: """ Generates a converter that converts a value to a :class:`xarray.Dataset`. Parameters ---------- load_from_id : callable, optional A callable with the signature ``f(x: str) -> Dataset`` used to interpret dataset identifiers. Set this parameter to handle dataset identifiers. If unset, dataset identifiers are not supported. Returns ------- A dataset converter. Notes ----- The conversion logic is as follows: 1. If the value is an xarray dataset, it is returned directly. 2. If the value is a path-like object ending with the ``.nc`` extension, the converter tries to load a dataset from that location, first locally, then (should that fail) from the Eradiate data store. 3. If the value is a string and ``load_from_id`` is not ``None``, it is interpreted as a dataset identifier and ``load_from_id(value)`` is returned. 4. Otherwise, a :class:`ValueError` is raised. Examples -------- A converter with basic dataset identifier interpretation (the passed callable may implement more complex logic, *e.g.* with identifier fallback substitution): >>> aerosol_converter = to_dataset( ... lambda x: data.load_dataset(f"spectra/particles/{x}.nc") ... ) A converter without dataset identifier interpretation: >>> aerosol_converter = to_dataset() """ def converter(value: xr.Dataset | PathLike) -> xr.Dataset: if isinstance(value, xr.Dataset): return value # Path (local or remote) if str(value).endswith(".nc"): # Try and open a file if it is directly referenced if os.path.isfile(value): return xr.load_dataset(value) # Try and serve the file from the data store return data.load_dataset(value) # Identifier for a dataset in the data store if isinstance(value, str) and load_from_id is not None: return load_from_id(value) # Abnormal state # Reference must be provided as a Dataset, a path-like or a str raise ValueError(f"Cannot convert value '{value}'") return converter
def to_mi_scalar_transform(value): """ Convert an array-like value to a :class:`mitsuba.ScalarTransform4f`. If `value` is a Numpy array, it is used to initialize a :class:`mitsuba.ScalarTransform4f` without copy; if it is a list, a Numpy array is first created from it. Otherwise, `value` is forwarded without change. """ if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): return mi.ScalarTransform4f(value) elif isinstance(value, list): return mi.ScalarTransform4f(np.array(value)) else: return value
[docs] def convert_thermoprops(value) -> xr.Dataset: """Converter for atmosphere thermophysical properties specifications.""" import joseki # Dataset: do nothing if isinstance(value, xr.Dataset): return value # PathLike: try to load dataset elif isinstance(value, (os.PathLike, str)): path = data_store.fetch(value) if path.is_file(): return joseki.load_dataset(path) else: raise ValueError( f"invalid path for 'thermoprops': {path} (expected a file)" ) # Dictionary: forward to joseki.make() elif isinstance(value, dict): return joseki.make(**value) # Anything else: raise error else: raise TypeError( f"invalid type for 'thermoprops': {type(value)} " f"(expected Dataset or PathLike)" )
def _is_quantity(x): return isinstance(x, pint.Quantity) def _isinstance_of_2tuple_quantity(x): return isinstance(x, tuple) and list(map(_is_quantity, x)) == [True, True]
[docs] def convert_absorption_data( value, ) -> dict[tuple[pint.Quantity, pint.Quantity], xr.Dataset]: """Converter for atmosphere absorption coefficient data.""" # Import must be local to avoid circular imports from .radprops.absorption import wrange # dict: verify that keys are 2-tuple[pint.Quantity] and values are xarray.Dataset if isinstance(value, dict): if all(map(_isinstance_of_2tuple_quantity, value.keys())) and all( map(lambda x: isinstance(x, xr.Dataset), value.values()) ): return value else: raise ValueError( "All keys must be 2-tuple of pint.Quantity and all values must " "be xarray.Dataset" ) # tuple: specifications for absorption data on the online stable data store elif isinstance(value, tuple): codename = value[0] wavelength_range = value[1] if isinstance(wavelength_range, xr.Dataset): srf = wavelength_range w = to_quantity(srf.w) wavelength_range = w[:: w.size - 1] if eradiate.mode().is_mono: mode = "mono" elif eradiate.mode().is_ckd: mode = "ckd" else: raise UnsupportedModeError paths = locate_absorption_data( codename=codename, mode=mode, wavelength_range=wavelength_range, ) datasets = [xr.load_dataset(path) for path in paths] # Sort entries by ascending lower bound entries = [(wrange(ds), ds) for ds in datasets] entries.sort(key=lambda x: x[0][0]) return dict(entries) # Dataset: compute wavelength range elif isinstance(value, xr.Dataset): return {wrange(value): value} # List[Dataset]: compute wavelength ranges elif isinstance(value, list) and all(isinstance(v, xr.Dataset) for v in value): return {wrange(ds): ds for ds in value} # Pathlike: try and load the file(s) elif isinstance(value, (os.PathLike, str)): if str(value).endswith(".nc"): # single file path = data_store.fetch(value) ds = xr.open_dataset(path) return {wrange(ds): ds} else: # assume 'value' is a local directory path = Path(value) if path.exists() and path.is_dir(): files = list(path.glob("*.nc")) datasets = [xr.open_dataset(file) for file in files] return {wrange(ds): ds for ds in datasets} else: raise ValueError( f"invalid path for 'absorption_data': {path} " f"(expected a netCDF file or a directory)" ) # Anything else: raise error else: raise TypeError( f"invalid type for 'absorption_data': {type(value)} " f"(expected dict or Dataset or list of Dataset or str or PathLike)" )