Source code for eradiate.exceptions

"""Exceptions and warnings specific to Eradiate."""

from pinttr.util import always_iterable

import eradiate

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                                   Exceptions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs] class ModeError(Exception): """Raised when encountering issues with Eradiate modes.""" pass
[docs] class UnsupportedModeError(ModeError): """Raised when a feature is not supported for the currently selected mode.""" def __init__(self, supported=None, unsupported=None, msg=None): super(UnsupportedModeError, self).__init__(msg) self.mode = eradiate.mode().id if eradiate.mode() is not None else None self.supported = list(always_iterable(supported)) self.unsupported = list(always_iterable(unsupported)) def __str__(self): msg = f"'{self.mode}'" if self.mode is not None else "None" extra_msg = [] if self.supported: extra_msg.append(f"supported: {', '.join(self.supported)}") if self.unsupported: extra_msg.append(f"unsupported: {', '.join(self.unsupported)}") if extra_msg: msg += f" ({'; '.join(extra_msg)})" return msg
[docs] class KernelVariantError(Exception): """Raised when encountering issues with Eradiate kernel variants.""" pass
class DataError(Exception): """Raised when encountering issues with data.""" pass
[docs] class TraversalError(Exception): """Raised when an error is encountered during scene element traversal.""" pass
class InterpolationError(Exception): """Raised when encountering errors during interpolation.""" pass class MissingCoordinateError(InterpolationError): """Raised when a dataset is being interpolated along a coordinate that it does not have.""" pass class ScalarCoordinateError(InterpolationError): """Raised when a dataset is being interpolated along a scalar coordinate.""" pass class OutOfBoundsCoordinateError(InterpolationError): """Raised when a dataset is being interpolated along a coordinate with out-of-bounds values.""" pass # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Warnings # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class ConfigWarning(UserWarning): """Used when encountering nonfatal configuration issues.""" pass
[docs] class OverriddenValueWarning(UserWarning): """Used when a user-defined value is overridden during execution.""" pass