Source code for eradiate.frame

"""Frame and angle manipulation utilities."""

from __future__ import annotations

import enum
import typing as t

import aenum
import numpy as np
import pint

from .units import unit_registry as ureg

[docs] class AzimuthConvention(enum.Enum): """ An enumeration of azimuth convention names associated with the corresponding (origin offset, orientation) pair with respect to the *East right* convention. The origin offset is expressed in radian and the orientation is the angle value multiplier (±1). """ EAST_RIGHT = (0.0, 1) #: East right EAST_LEFT = (0.0, -1) #: East left NORTH_RIGHT = (0.5 * np.pi, 1) #: North right NORTH_LEFT = (0.5 * np.pi, -1) #: North left WEST_RIGHT = (np.pi, 1) #: West right WEST_LEFT = (np.pi, -1) #: West left SOUTH_RIGHT = (1.5 * np.pi, 1) #: South right SOUTH_LEFT = (1.5 * np.pi, -1) #: South left
[docs] @staticmethod def convert(value: t.Any) -> AzimuthConvention: """ Attempt conversion of a value to an :class:`.AzimuthConvention` instance. The conversion protocol is as follows: * If ``value`` is a string, it is converted to upper case and passed to the indexing operator of :class:`.AzimuthConvention`. * If ``value`` is an :class:`.AzimuthConvention` instance, it is returned without change. * Otherwise, the method raises an exception. Parameters ---------- value Value to attempt conversion of. Returns ------- Converted value Raises ------ TypeError If no conversion protocol exists for ``value``. """ if isinstance(value, str): return AzimuthConvention[value.upper()] elif isinstance(value, AzimuthConvention): return value else: raise TypeError( f"Cannot convert a {type(value)} instance to AzimuthConvention" )
[docs] @classmethod def register(cls, name: str, value: tuple[float, float]) -> None: """ Register a new angular convention. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the registered convention. Should be uppercase, without whitespace. value : tuple An (offset, orientation) 2-tuple. The offset is the angular offset of the registered convention in radian. The offset is an integer equal to 1 (right-hand/counter-clockwise convention) or -1 (left-hand/clockwise convention). """ aenum.extend_enum(cls, name.upper(), value)
[docs] def normalize_azimuth(angles: np.typing.ArrayLike, inplace: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """ Normalize azimuth values to the [0, 2π[ interval. Parameters ---------- angles : array-like A sequence of azimuth values [rad]. inplace : bool, optional, default: False If ``True``, perform the conversion in-place. This will mutate the `angles` array; otherwise, this function operates on a copy. Returns ------- ndarray Azimuth angle values normalized to the [0, 2π[ interval [rad]. Warnings -------- This function does *not* apply unit conversion automatically: angle values must be supplied in radians and are returned as plain Numpy arrays. """ result = angles if inplace else np.copy(angles) result %= 2.0 * np.pi # Snap close-to-2π values to 0 to compensate for numerical precision-related # unwanted shifts (may happen with angles computed from directions) snapped = np.where( np.isclose(result, 2.0 * np.pi, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-6 * np.pi), 0.0, result ) if inplace: result[:] = snapped else: result = snapped return result
[docs] def transform_azimuth( angles: np.typing.ArrayLike, from_convention: AzimuthConvention | str = AzimuthConvention.EAST_RIGHT, to_convention: AzimuthConvention | str = AzimuthConvention.EAST_RIGHT, normalize: bool = True, inplace: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Convert azimuth values expressed with a given convention to another. The East right convention is used as a pivot. Parameters ---------- angles : array-like A sequence of azimuth values [rad]. from_convention : .AzimuthConvention or str, optional, default: .AzimuthConvention.EAST_RIGHT Source azimuth angle convention. If a string is passed, it will be converted to a :class:`.AzimuthConvention`. to_convention : .AzimuthConvention or str, optional, default: .AzimuthConvention.EAST_RIGHT Target azimuth angle convention. If a string is passed, it will be converted to a :class:`.AzimuthConvention`. normalize : bool, optional, default: True If ``True``, normalize returned angle values within the [0, 2π[ interval. inplace : bool, optional, default: False If ``True``, perform the conversion in-place. This will mutate the `angles` array; otherwise, this function operates on a copy. Returns ------- ndarray Azimuth angle values converted to the East right convention [rad]. Warnings -------- This function does *not* apply unit conversion automatically: angle values must be supplied in radians and are returned as plain Numpy arrays. """ result = angles if inplace else np.copy(angles) from_convention = AzimuthConvention.convert(from_convention) to_convention = AzimuthConvention.convert(to_convention) if from_convention is not to_convention: from_offset, from_orientation = from_convention.value to_offset, to_orientation = to_convention.value # Transform to East right result *= from_orientation result += from_offset # Transform to target convention result -= to_offset result *= to_orientation if normalize: result = normalize_azimuth(result, inplace=inplace) return result
[docs] @ureg.wraps(ret=None, args=("dimensionless", "rad", None, None), strict=False) def cos_angle_to_direction( cos_theta: np.typing.ArrayLike, phi: np.typing.ArrayLike, azimuth_convention: AzimuthConvention | str = AzimuthConvention.EAST_RIGHT, flip: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Convert a zenith cosine and azimuth angle pair to a direction. Parameters ---------- cos_theta : array-like Zenith angle cosine [dimensionless]. Convention: 1 corresponds to zenith, -1 corresponds to nadir. phi : array-like Azimuth angle [radian]. Convention: :math:`2 \pi` corresponds to the X axis. azimuth_convention : .AzimuthConvention or str, optional, default: .AzimuthConvention.EAST_RIGHT Source azimuth angle convention. If a string is passed, it will be converted to a :class:`.AzimuthConvention`. flip : bool If ``True``, flip the returned direction (points towards the nadir with `cos_theta` equal to 1). Returns ------- ndarray Directions corresponding to the angular parameters [unitless]. """ cos_theta = np.atleast_1d(cos_theta).astype(float) phi = np.atleast_1d( transform_azimuth( phi, from_convention=azimuth_convention, to_convention=AzimuthConvention.EAST_RIGHT, ) ) sin_theta = np.sqrt(1.0 - np.multiply(cos_theta, cos_theta)) sin_phi, cos_phi = np.sin(phi), np.cos(phi) result = np.vstack((sin_theta * cos_phi, sin_theta * sin_phi, cos_theta)).T return result if not flip else -result
[docs] @ureg.wraps(ret=None, args=("rad", None, None), strict=False) def angles_to_direction( angles: np.typing.ArrayLike, azimuth_convention: AzimuthConvention | str = AzimuthConvention.EAST_RIGHT, flip: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Convert a zenith and azimuth angle pair to a direction unit vector. Parameters ---------- angles : array-like A sequence of (zenith, azimuth) pairs, where zenith = 0 corresponds to +z direction [rad]. azimuth_convention : .AzimuthConvention or str, optional, default: .AzimuthConvention.EAST_RIGHT Source azimuth angle convention. If a string is passed, it will be converted to a :class:`.AzimuthConvention`. flip : bool, optional, default: False If ``True``, flip returned directions (useful in practice to get direction vectors pointing towards the local frame origin). Returns ------- ndarray Directions corresponding to the angular parameters [unitless]. """ # Ensure correct shape angles = np.atleast_1d(angles).astype(float) if angles.ndim < 2: angles = angles.reshape((angles.size // 2, 2)) if angles.ndim > 2 or angles.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError(f"array must be of shape (N, 2), got {angles.shape}") # Pre-process zenith negative_zenith = angles[:, 0] < 0 angles[negative_zenith, 0] *= -1 angles[negative_zenith, 1] += np.pi return cos_angle_to_direction( np.cos(angles[:, 0]), angles[:, 1], flip=flip, azimuth_convention=azimuth_convention, )
[docs] @ureg.wraps(ret="rad", args=(None, None, None), strict=False) def direction_to_angles( v: np.typing.ArrayLike, azimuth_convention: AzimuthConvention | str = AzimuthConvention.EAST_RIGHT, normalize: bool = True, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Convert a cartesian unit vector to a zenith-azimuth pair. Parameters ---------- v : array-like A sequence of 3-vectors (shape (N, 3)) [unitless]. azimuth_convention : .AzimuthConvention or str, optional, default: .AzimuthConvention.EAST_RIGHT Target azimuth angle convention. If a string is passed, it will be converted to a :class:`.AzimuthConvention`. normalize : bool, optional, default: True If ``True``, normalize azimuth values within the [0, 2π[ interval. Returns ------- quantity A sequence of 2-vectors containing zenith and azimuth angles, where zenith = 0 corresponds to +z direction (shape (N, 2)). """ v = np.atleast_1d(v).astype(float) if v.ndim < 2: v = v.reshape((v.size // 3, 3)) if v.ndim > 2 or v.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError(f"array must be of shape (N, 3), got {v.shape}") v = v / np.linalg.norm(v, axis=-1).reshape(len(v), 1) theta = np.arccos(v[..., 2]) phi = transform_azimuth( np.arctan2(v[..., 1], v[..., 0]), from_convention=AzimuthConvention.EAST_RIGHT, to_convention=azimuth_convention, normalize=normalize, ) return np.vstack((theta, phi)).T
[docs] @ureg.wraps(ret=None, args=(None, "rad", "rad", None), strict=False) def spherical_to_cartesian(r, theta, phi, origin=(0, 0, 0)): r""" Convert spherical coordinates to cartesian coordinates Parameters ---------- r : float Radial distance coordinate. theta : float Zenith angle coordinate [radian]. Convention: 0 corresponds to zenith, :math:`\pi` corresponds to nadir. phi : float Azimuth angle coordinate [radian]. Convention: :math:`2 \pi` corresponds to the X axis. origin : array-like Shifts the center point of the coordinate system. Returns ------- ndarray Cartesian coordinates x, y, z as a (3,) array. """ # TODO: Vectorise # fmt: off if isinstance(r, pint.Quantity): return np.array([ r.magnitude * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi) + origin[0], r.magnitude * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi) + origin[1], r.magnitude * np.cos(theta) + origin[2] ]) * r.units else: return np.array([ r * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi) + origin[0], r * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi) + origin[1], r * np.cos(theta) + origin[2] ])
# fmt: on
[docs] def angles_in_hplane( plane: float, theta: np.typing.ArrayLike, phi: np.typing.ArrayLike, raise_exc: bool = True, ): """ Check that a set of (zenith, azimuth) pairs belong to a given hemisphere plane cut. Parameters ---------- plane : float Plane cut orientation [rad]. theta : ndarray List of zenith angle values with (N,) shape [rad]. phi : ndarray List of azimuth angle values with (N,) shape [rad]. raise_exc : bool, optional If ``True``, raise if not all directions are snapped to the specified hemisphere plane cut. Returns ------- in_plane_positive, in_plane_negative Masks indicating indexes of directions contained in the positive (resp. negative) half-plane. Raises ------ ValueError If not all directions are snapped to the specified hemisphere plane cut. """ # Normalize input parameters twopi = 2.0 * np.pi phi = np.where(theta >= 0.0, phi % twopi, (phi + np.pi) % twopi) theta = np.where(theta >= 0.0, theta, -theta) # Assign angle pairs to positive or negative half-plane in_plane_positive = np.isclose(plane, phi) | np.isclose(0.0, theta) in_plane_negative = np.isclose((plane + np.pi) % twopi, phi) & ~in_plane_positive in_plane = in_plane_positive | in_plane_negative if raise_exc and not (np.all(in_plane)): raise ValueError("found off-plane directions") return in_plane_positive, in_plane_negative