Source code for eradiate.kernel._bitmap

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings

import mitsuba as mi
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

[docs] def bitmap_to_dataarray(bmp: mi.Bitmap, dtype="float64") -> xr.DataArray: """ Format Mitsuba bitmap data as an xarray data array. Parameters ---------- bmp : mitsuba.core.Bitmap or ndarray Mitsuba bitmap to be converted to a dataset. A Numpy array can also be passed directly for compatibility (this feature is deprecated). dtype : dtype, optional Data type, forwarded to :func:`numpy.array`. Returns ------- da : DataArray Bitmap data as an xarray array. Raises ------ ValueError If `bmp` has an unsupported pixel format. """ img = np.array(bmp, dtype=dtype) if isinstance(bmp, mi.Bitmap): try: pixel_formats = { mi.Bitmap.PixelFormat.Y: ["Y"], mi.Bitmap.PixelFormat.YA: ["Y", "A"], mi.Bitmap.PixelFormat.RGB: ["R", "G", "B"], mi.Bitmap.PixelFormat.RGBA: ["R", "G", "B", "A"], mi.Bitmap.PixelFormat.XYZ: ["X", "Y", "Z"], mi.Bitmap.PixelFormat.XYZA: ["X", "Y", "Z", "A"], } channels = pixel_formats[bmp.pixel_format()] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"unsupported bitmap pixel format {bmp.pixel_format()}") else: warnings.warn( "Passing an array is deprecated (coordinate detection is limited)", DeprecationWarning, ) if len(img.shape) < 3: channels = ["Y"] else: channels = {1: ["Y"], 3: ["R", "G", "B"]}[img.shape[2]] height = img.shape[0] width = img.shape[1] result = xr.DataArray( data=np.reshape(img, (height, width, -1)), dims=["y_index", "x_index", "channel"], coords={ "y_index": ( "y_index", range(height), {"long_name": "height pixel index"}, ), "y": ( "y_index", np.linspace(0, 1, height), {"long_name": "film height coordinate"}, ), "x_index": ( "x_index", range(width), {"long_name": "width pixel index"}, ), "x": ( "x_index", np.linspace(0, 1, width), {"long_name": "film width coordinate"}, ), "channel": ("channel", channels, {"long_name": "film spectral channel"}), }, ) return result
[docs] def bitmap_to_dataset(bmp: mi.Bitmap, dtype="float64") -> xr.Dataset: """ Format Mitsuba bitmap data as an xarray dataset. Parameters ---------- bmp : mitsuba.core.Bitmap or ndarray Mitsuba bitmap to be converted to a dataset. A Numpy array can also be passed directly for compatibility (this feature is deprecated). dtype : dtype, optional Data type, forwarded to :func:`numpy.array`. Returns ------- dataset : Dataset Bitmap data as an xarray dataset. See Also -------- :func:`bitmap_to_dataarray` Notes ----- This function exists for backward compatibility purposes. It calls :func:`bitmap_to_dataarray` and forwards its arguments to it, then wraps the generated data array in a dataset with an ``img`` data variable. """ da = bitmap_to_dataarray(bmp, dtype) return xr.Dataset(data_vars={"img": da})