Source code for eradiate.notebook

Notebook support components.

[docs] def install(*extensions): """ Install notebook helpers. Parameters ---------- *extensions : str Extensions to activate. Available extensions (all are active if this parameter is unset): * :monobold:`kernel_logging`: Route kernel logs through standard logging facilities. Progress display uses `tqdm <>`_. * :monobold:`rich_pretty`: Install :func:`rich.pretty <rich.pretty.install>` with default configuration to the current Python REPL. * :monobold:`rich_traceback`: Install :func:`rich.traceback <rich.traceback.install>` with default configuration to the current Python REPL. """ from rich.pretty import install as install_rich_pretty from rich.traceback import install as install_rich_traceback from eradiate.kernel import install_logging as install_kernel_logging if not extensions: extensions = {"kernel_logging", "rich_pretty", "rich_traceback"} if "kernel_logging" in extensions: install_kernel_logging() if "rich_pretty" in extensions: install_rich_pretty() if "rich_traceback" in extensions: install_rich_traceback()
# IPython extension. Must be imported by top-level module.
[docs] def load_ipython_extension(ipython): """ The Eradiate notebook extension. This extension simply calls the :func:`eradiate.notebook.install` function. See Also -------- :func:`eradiate.notebook.install` Notes ----- This extension should be loaded using the IPython magic: .. code:: %load_ext eradiate """ install()