Source code for eradiate.pipelines.core

Post-processing pipeline access points.

from __future__ import annotations

import importlib

from hamilton import telemetry
from hamilton.base import DictResult, SimplePythonGraphAdapter
from hamilton.driver import Driver
from rich.table import Table

import eradiate

from .._mode import Mode
from ..scenes.measure import Measure
from ..scenes.spectra import InterpolatedSpectrum

# Disable Hamilton telemetry (we don't want to bother our users with it)

[docs] def config(measure: Measure, mode: Mode | str | None = None) -> dict: """ Generate a pipeline configuration for a specific scene setup. Parameters ---------- measure : .Measure mode : .Mode or str, optional Mode or mode ID for which the pipeline is configured. By default, the current active mode is used. Returns ------- dict See Also -------- :mod:`eradiate.pipelines` """ result = {} # Which mode is selected? if mode is None: mode = eradiate.mode() if isinstance(mode, str): mode = result["mode_id"] = # Is the measure distant? result["measure_distant"] = measure.is_distant() # Does the measure provide viewing angle values? result["add_viewing_angles"] = hasattr(measure, "viewing_angles") # Which physical variable are we processing? result["var_name"], result["var_metadata"] = measure.var # Shall we apply spectral response function weighting (a.k.a convolution)? result["apply_spectral_response"] = isinstance(measure.srf, InterpolatedSpectrum) return result
[docs] def driver(config: dict): """ Create a Hamilton :class:`~hamilton.driver.Driver` instance using the specified configuration. The post-processing pipeline mutates defined on parameters. Parameters ---------- config : dict A configuration dictionary specifying various parameters (see :mod:`~eradiate.pipelines` for details). Returns ------- hamilton.Driver See Also -------- :func:`.config` """ # Force power user mode, required to mutate node names based on the # processed variable name config = {"hamilton.enable_power_user_mode": True, **config} # Instantiate the driver following the Generic result builder documentation # module = importlib.import_module("eradiate.pipelines.definitions") dict_builder = DictResult() adapter = SimplePythonGraphAdapter(dict_builder) drv = Driver(config, module, adapter=adapter) return drv
[docs] def list_variables( drv: Driver, as_table: bool = False ) -> list[tuple[str, str, str]] | Table: """ List variables available in a pipeline. Configuration variables are omitted. Parameters ---------- drv : hamilton.driver.Driver Pipeline driver to inspect. as_table : bool, default: False If ``True``, format the results as a table. Returns ------- variables : list or rich.table.Table List of variables ordered by name. Each element contains the following entries: * name; * type; * whether the variable is an input parameter. """ data = [] for variable in drv.list_available_variables(): if in drv.graph.config: continue line = (, variable.type.__name__, "x" if variable.is_external_input else "", ) data.append(line) result = sorted(data, key=lambda x: (0 if x[2] == "x" else 1, x[0])) if not as_table: return result else: table = Table() table.add_column("Name") table.add_column("Type") table.add_column("Input") for line in result: table.add_row(*line) return table
[docs] def outputs(drv: Driver): """ Generate a list of default outputs for a given pipeline. Only nodes with the ``"final": "true"`` and ``"kind": "data"`` tags are selected. """ return [ for x in drv.list_available_variables() if x.tags.get("final") == "true" and x.tags.get("kind") == "data" ]