Source code for eradiate.quad

"""Utility components for quadrature rules."""

from __future__ import annotations

from enum import Enum

import attrs
import numpy as np

from .attrs import documented, parse_docs
from .util.misc import str_summary_numpy

[docs] class QuadType(Enum): """Quadrature rule type flags.""" GAUSS_LEGENDRE = "gauss_legendre" GAUSS_LOBATTO = "gauss_lobatto"
[docs] @parse_docs @attrs.define(eq=False, frozen=True) class Quad: """ A data class storing information about a quadrature rule. Nodes and weights are defined in the [-1, 1] interval. The reference interval can be changed using the ``interval`` argument of the :meth:`.eval_nodes` and :meth:`.integrate` functions. """ type: QuadType = documented( attrs.field(converter=QuadType, repr=lambda x: str(x)), doc="Quadrature type. If a string is passed, it is converted to a " ":class:`.QuadType`.", type=":class:`.QuadType`", ) nodes: np.ndarray = documented( attrs.field(converter=np.array, repr=str_summary_numpy), doc="Quadrature rule nodes.", type="ndarray", ) weights: np.ndarray = documented( attrs.field(converter=np.array, repr=str_summary_numpy), doc="Quadrature rule weights.", type="ndarray", ) @nodes.validator @weights.validator def _nodes_weights_validator(self, attribute, value): if self.nodes.shape != self.weights.shape: raise ValueError( f"while validating {}: nodes and weights arrays " f"must have the same shape, got nodes.shape = {self.nodes.shape} " f"and weights.shape = {self.weights.shape}" ) def pretty_repr(self) -> str: return f"{self.type.value}, {self.nodes.size} points"
[docs] @classmethod def gauss_legendre(cls, n: int) -> Quad: """ Initialize a :class:`.Quad` instance with Gauss-Legendre nodes and weights. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of quadrature points. Returns ------- :class:`.Quad` Gauss-Legendre quadrature definition. """ from mitsuba.scalar_rgb.quad import gauss_legendre nodes, weights = gauss_legendre(n) return cls( type=QuadType.GAUSS_LEGENDRE, nodes=np.array(nodes, dtype=float), weights=np.array(weights, dtype=float), )
[docs] @classmethod def gauss_lobatto(cls, n: int) -> Quad: """ Initialize a :class:`.Quad` instance with Gauss-Lobatto nodes and weights. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of quadrature points. Returns ------- :class:`.Quad` Gauss-Lobatto quadrature definition. """ from mitsuba.scalar_rgb.quad import gauss_lobatto nodes, weights = gauss_lobatto(n) return cls( type=QuadType.GAUSS_LOBATTO, nodes=np.array(nodes, dtype=float), weights=np.array(weights, dtype=float), )
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, type: str | QuadType, n: int) -> Quad: """ Initialize a :class:`.Quad` instance of the specified type. Parameters ---------- type : str or .QuadType Quadrature rule type. If a string is passed, it is converted to a :class:`.QuadType`. n : int Number of quadrature points. Returns ------- :class:`.Quad` Quadrature definition. """ type = QuadType(type) if type is QuadType.GAUSS_LEGENDRE: return cls.gauss_legendre(n) elif type is QuadType.GAUSS_LOBATTO: return cls.gauss_lobatto(n) else: raise ValueError(f"unknown quadrature type '{type}'")
[docs] def eval_nodes( self, interval: tuple[float, float] | None = None ) -> np.typing.ArrayLike: """ Compute nodes scaled to a specific interval. Parameters ---------- interval : tuple of float, optional Interval for which nodes are to be scaled as a 2-tuple. If ``None``, the default [-1, 1] is used. Returns ------- ndarray Scaled node values. """ if interval is None: return self.nodes a, b = interval return 0.5 * (a + b + (b - a) * self.nodes)
[docs] def integrate( self, values: np.typing.ArrayLike, interval: tuple[float, float] | None ) -> float: """ Evaluate quadrature rule, accounting for interval scaling. Parameters ---------- values : ndarray Function values at quadrature nodes. interval : tuple of float, optional Interval on which the integral is being computed as a 2-tuple. If ``None``, the default [-1, 1] is used. Returns ------- float Quadrature evaluation for the specified interval. """ weighted_sum = float(, values)) if interval is None: return weighted_sum else: return 0.5 * (interval[1] - interval[0]) * weighted_sum
@property def str_summary(self) -> str: """ Return a summarized representation of the current instance. Returns ------- str Instance summary. """ return f"Quad(type={QuadType(self.type)}, n={len(self.nodes)})"