Source code for eradiate.scenes.atmosphere._molecular

Molecular atmospheres.

from __future__ import annotations

from copy import deepcopy

import attrs
import joseki
import numpy as np
import pint
import xarray as xr

import eradiate

from ._core import AbstractHeterogeneousAtmosphere
from ..core import traverse
from ..phase import PhaseFunction, RayleighPhaseFunction, phase_function_factory
from ...attrs import documented, parse_docs
from ...contexts import KernelContext
from ...converters import convert_absorption_data, convert_thermoprops
from ...exceptions import UnsupportedModeError
from ...radprops import (
from ...radprops._atmosphere import _absorption_data_repr
from ...radprops.absorption import DEFAULT_HANDLER_CONFIG
from ...spectral.ckd import BinSet, QuadSpec
from ...spectral.index import SpectralIndex
from ...spectral.mono import WavelengthSet
from ...units import unit_registry as ureg
from ...util.misc import summary_repr
from ...validators import validate_absorption_data

def default_absorption_data() -> tuple:
    Default absorption data based on active spectral mode.

        Absorption data specifications.

        When the spectral mode is neither 'mono' or 'ckd'.

    The correct Eradiate mode must be set before this function is called.
    In monochromatic mode, the returned absorption data specifications are
    suitable for working in the 250 nm to 3125 nm wavelength range.
    In CKD mode, the returned absorption data specifications are suitable for
    working with the wavenumber band [18100, 18200] cm^-1 (equivalent to the
    wavelength range [549.45, 552.48] nm).
    The corresponding absorption datasets will be downloaded from the Eradiate
    online data store, if they have not already been downloaded.
    wavelength_range = [549.5, 550.5] * ureg.nm
    if eradiate.mode().is_mono:
        dataset_codename = "komodo"
    elif eradiate.mode().is_ckd:
        dataset_codename = "monotropa"
        raise UnsupportedModeError(supported=["mono", "ckd"])
    return (dataset_codename, wavelength_range)

[docs] @parse_docs @attrs.define(eq=False, slots=False) class MolecularAtmosphere(AbstractHeterogeneousAtmosphere): """ Molecular atmosphere scene element [``molecular``]. See Also -------- :class:`~eradiate.scenes.atmosphere.ParticleLayer`, :class:`~eradiate.scenes.atmosphere.HeterogeneousAtmosphere`. Notes ----- This is commonly referred to as a clear-sky atmosphere, namely the atmosphere is free of clouds, aerosols or any other type of liquid or solid particles in suspension. It describes a gaseous mixture (air) whose thermophysical properties, namely pressure, temperature and constituent mole fractions, are allowed to vary with altitude (see the ``thermoprops`` attribute). The corresponding radiative properties are computed with this thermophysical profile as input. Special care must be taken that the absorption data is able to accomodate the specified thermophysical profile, especially along the constituent mole fractions axes (see also ``error_handler_config``). Note that the absoprtion data is able to support one spectral mode at a time. As a result, the Eradiate mode must be selected before instantiating this class, and the relevant absorption data must be provided. The Rayleigh scattering theory is used to compute the air volume scattering coefficient. The scattering phase function defaults to the Rayleigh scattering phase function but can be set to other values. """ absorption_data: dict[tuple[pint.Quantity, pint.Quantity], xr.Dataset] = documented( attrs.field( kw_only=True, factory=default_absorption_data, converter=convert_absorption_data, validator=validate_absorption_data, repr=_absorption_data_repr, ), doc="Absorption coefficient data. " "If a file path, the absorption coefficient is loaded from the " "specified file (must be a NetCDF file). " "If a tuple, the first element is the dataset codename and the" "second is the desired working wavelength range.", type="dict[tuple[quantity, quantity], Dataset]", init_type="Dataset or list of Dataset or str or path-like or tuple[str, quantity]", ) _thermoprops: xr.Dataset = documented( attrs.field( kw_only=True, factory=lambda: joseki.make( identifier="afgl_1986-us_standard", z=np.linspace(0.0, 120.0, 121) *, additional_molecules=False, ), converter=convert_thermoprops, validator=attrs.validators.instance_of(xr.Dataset), repr=summary_repr, ), doc="Thermophysical property dataset. If a path is passed, Eradiate will " "look it up and load it. If a dictionary is passed, it will be passed " "as keyword argument to ``joseki.make()``. The default is " '``joseki.make(identifier="afgl_1986-us_standard", z=np.linspace(0.0, 120.0, 121) *``. ' "See `the Joseki docs <>`_ " "for details.", type="Dataset", init_type="Dataset or path-like or dict", ) _phase: PhaseFunction = documented( attrs.field( kw_only=True, factory=lambda: RayleighPhaseFunction(), converter=phase_function_factory.convert, validator=attrs.validators.instance_of(PhaseFunction), ), doc="Phase function.", type=":class:`.PhaseFunction`", init_type=":class:`.PhaseFunction` or dict", default=":class:`RayleighPhaseFunction() <.RayleighPhaseFunction>`", ) has_absorption: bool = documented( attrs.field( kw_only=True, default=True, converter=bool, ), doc="Absorption switch. If ``True``, the absorption coefficient is " "computed. Else, the absorption coefficient is set to zero.", type="bool", default="True", ) has_scattering: bool = documented( attrs.field( kw_only=True, default=True, converter=bool, ), doc="Scattering switch. If ``True``, the scattering coefficient is " "computed. Else, the scattering coefficient is set to zero.", type="bool", default="True", ) @has_absorption.validator @has_scattering.validator def _switch_validator(self, attribute, value): if not self.has_absorption and not self.has_scattering: raise ValueError( f"while validating {}: at least one of " "'has_absorption' and 'has_scattering' must be True" ) _radprops_profile: AtmosphereRadProfile | None = attrs.field( default=None, validator=attrs.validators.optional( attrs.validators.instance_of(AtmosphereRadProfile) ), init=False, repr=False, ) error_handler_config: dict[str, dict[str, str]] = documented( attrs.field( kw_only=True, factory=lambda: deepcopy(DEFAULT_HANDLER_CONFIG), validator=attrs.validators.deep_mapping( key_validator=attrs.validators.instance_of(str), value_validator=attrs.validators.deep_mapping( key_validator=attrs.validators.instance_of(str), value_validator=attrs.validators.instance_of(str), ), ), ), doc="Error handler configuration for absorption data interpolation.", type="dict", default=":data:`.DEFAULT_HANDLER_CONFIG`", )
[docs] def update(self) -> None: # Inherit docstring = self.phase_id self.error_handler_config = { **DEFAULT_HANDLER_CONFIG, **self.error_handler_config, } self._radprops_profile = AtmosphereRadProfile( thermoprops=self.thermoprops, has_scattering=self.has_scattering, has_absorption=self.has_absorption, absorption_data=self.absorption_data, error_handler_config=self.error_handler_config, )
[docs] def spectral_set( self, quad_spec: QuadSpec | None = None ) -> None | BinSet | WavelengthSet: if self.has_absorption: absorption_data = list(self.absorption_data.values()) if len(absorption_data) == 1: absorption_data = absorption_data[0] if eradiate.mode().is_mono: return WavelengthSet.from_absorption_dataset(absorption_data) elif eradiate.mode().is_ckd: if quad_spec is None: quad_spec = QuadSpec.default() # default return BinSet.from_absorption_data(absorption_data, quad_spec) else: raise NotImplementedError else: return None
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Spatial extension and thermophysical properties # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def thermoprops(self) -> xr.Dataset: # Inherit docstring return self._thermoprops
[docs] def eval_mfp(self, ctx: KernelContext) -> pint.Quantity: # Inherit docstring min_sigma_s = self.radprops_profile.eval_sigma_s( return np.divide( 1.0, min_sigma_s, where=min_sigma_s != 0.0, out=np.array([np.inf]), )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Radiative properties # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def phase(self) -> PhaseFunction: # Inherit docstring return self._phase @property def radprops_profile(self) -> RadProfile: # Inherit docstring return self._radprops_profile
[docs] def eval_albedo( self, si: SpectralIndex, zgrid: ZGrid | None = None ) -> pint.Quantity: # Inherit docstring return self.radprops_profile.eval_albedo( si, zgrid=self.geometry.zgrid if zgrid is None else zgrid, )
[docs] def eval_sigma_t( self, si: SpectralIndex, zgrid: ZGrid | None = None ) -> pint.Quantity: # Inherit docstring return self.radprops_profile.eval_sigma_t( si, zgrid=self.geometry.zgrid if zgrid is None else zgrid, )
[docs] def eval_sigma_a( self, si: SpectralIndex, zgrid: ZGrid | None = None, **kwargs ) -> pint.Quantity: # Inherit docstring return self.radprops_profile.eval_sigma_a( si, zgrid=self.geometry.zgrid if zgrid is None else zgrid, )
[docs] def eval_sigma_s( self, si: SpectralIndex, zgrid: ZGrid | None = None ) -> pint.Quantity: # Inherit docstring return self.radprops_profile.eval_sigma_s( si, zgrid=self.geometry.zgrid if zgrid is None else zgrid, )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Kernel dictionary # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def _template_phase(self) -> dict: # Inherit docstring result, _ = traverse(self.phase) return @property def _params_phase(self) -> dict: # Inherit docstring _, result = traverse(self.phase) return