Source code for eradiate.scenes.bsdfs._mqdiffuse
from __future__ import annotations
import attrs
import mitsuba as mi
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from ._core import BSDF
from ... import converters
from ...attrs import define, documented
from ...kernel import InitParameter, UpdateParameter
from ...units import to_quantity
from ...units import unit_registry as ureg
from ...util.misc import summary_repr
@define(eq=False, slots=False)
class MQDiffuseBSDF(BSDF):
Measured quasi-diffuse BSDF [``mqdiffuse``].
This BSDF models the reflection of light by opaque materials with a
behaviour close to diffuse, *i.e* with no strong scattering lobe.
Assumptions are as follows:
* The material is isotropic. Consequently, only the azimuth difference
* The material is gray. Consequently, no spectral dimension is used.
The input is specified using an xarray dataset. It must contain a ``brdf``
data variable with the following dimensions (the corresponding coordinate
range is specified within brackets):
* ``cos_theta_o`` [0, 1]: cosine of the outgoing zenith angle;
* ``phi_d`` [0, 2π[: difference between the incoming and outgoing azimuth
* ``cos_theta_i`` [0, 1]: cosine of the incoming zenith angle.
Coordinates must be evenly spaced and have a `"units"` metadata field.
* Table values are not checked internally: ensuring that the data is
consistent (*e.g* that the corresponding reflectance is not greater than
1) is the user's responsibility.
* While this BSDF may technically represent any isotropic material, its
sampling routine's performance degrades as the material departs from a
diffuse behaviour.
data: xr.Dataset = documented(
doc="Measured quasi-diffuse BRDF data formatted as an xarray dataset.",
def _data_validator(self, attribute, value):
# Check type
attrs.validators.instance_of(xr.Dataset)(self, attribute, value)
# Check data variable
if "brdf" not in value.data_vars:
raise ValueError(
f"while validating '{}': missing required data "
"variable 'brdf'"
# Check dimensions
if set(value.data_vars["brdf"].dims) != {"cos_theta_o", "phi_d", "cos_theta_i"}:
raise ValueError(
f"while validating '{}': incorrect dimension "
f"list (got '{set(value.dims)}', "
f"expected '{ {'cos_theta_o', 'phi_d', 'cos_theta_i'} }')"
# Check coordinates
for coord_name in ["cos_theta_o", "cos_theta_i", "phi_d"]:
coord = to_quantity(value.coords[coord_name])
except ValueError as e:
if e.args[0] == "this DataArray has no 'units' metadata field":
raise ValueError(
f"while validating '{}': input dataset "
f"coordinate variable '{coord_name}' is missing "
"'units' metadata field"
) from e
raise e
expected = (
np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, len(coord))
if coord_name.startswith("cos")
else (
np.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * np.pi, len(coord), endpoint=False) * ureg.rad
if not np.allclose(coord, expected):
raise ValueError(
f"while validating '{}': incorrect "
f"coordinate values for field '{coord_name}'; got {coord}, "
f"expected {expected}"
def _eval_grid_impl(self, ctx):
values = (["brdf"]
.transpose("cos_theta_o", "phi_d", "cos_theta_i")
# Add an extra row with φ_d = 0° data to ensure azimuthal periodicity
values = np.concatenate((values, values[:, [0], :]), axis=1)
return mi.VolumeGrid(values.astype(np.float32))
def template(self) -> dict:
# Inherit docstring
result = {
"type": "mqdiffuse",
"grid": InitParameter(lambda ctx: self._eval_grid_impl(ctx)),
if is not None:
result["id"] =
return result
def params(self) -> dict[str, UpdateParameter]:
# Inherit docstring
return {}