Source code for eradiate.spectral.index

Spectral index data structure.

A spectral index data structure holds the information required to evaluate
spectral quantities. The simplest example is provided by
:class:`MonoSpectralIndex` which holds a single wavelength value.
Each SpectralIndex subclass is specific to an Eradiate spectral mode.
For example, :class:`MonoSpectralIndex` is used in monochromatic mode.

.. admonition:: Note to maintainers
   :class: note

   All methods that evaluate spectral quantities, conventionally named ``eval_*``,
   should accept a ``si: SpectralIndex`` parameter.

   If a new spectral mode is added, you need to:

   * add a new :class:`.SpectralIndex` subclass
   * add it to the :data:`.SPECTRAL_MODE_DISPATCH` dictionary, which maps
     spectral mode enum values to the corresponding spectral index type

   For experiments to support the newly added spectral mode, you will also need to
   update the ``eradiate/src/experiment`` package, in particular the
   ``_normalize_spectral()`` post-init method of the

from __future__ import annotations

import typing as t
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import attrs
import pint
import pinttr

from .. import validators
from .._mode import ModeFlag, SubtypeDispatcher
from ..attrs import define, documented
from ..units import unit_context_config as ucc
from ..units import unit_registry as ureg

[docs] @attrs.define(eq=False, frozen=True, slots=True) class SpectralIndex(ABC): """ Abstract spectral index base class. See Also -------- :class:`.MonoSpectralIndex`, :class:`.CKDSpectralIndex` """ subtypes = SubtypeDispatcher("SpectralIndex") @property @abstractmethod def formatted_repr(self) -> str: """ Formatted representation of the spectral index. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def as_hashable(self) -> t.Hashable: """ Hashable representation of the spectral index. Notes ----- The hashable value is used by :class:`eradiate.experiments.Experiment` to identify the simulation results corresponding to a given spectral index. """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def new(mode: ModeFlag | str | None = None, **kwargs) -> SpectralIndex: """ Spectral index factory method. Parameters ---------- mode : `.ModeFlag` or str, optional Spectral mode identifier. If ``None``, the current mode is used. Returns ------- SpectralIndex Spectral index instance. Notes ----- Create a new instance of the spectral index class corresponding to the specified mode. See Also -------- :class:`.MonoSpectralIndex`, :class:`.CKDSpectralIndex` """ if isinstance(mode, str): mode = mode.upper() if not mode.startswith("SPECTRAL_MODE_"): mode = f"SPECTRAL_MODE_{mode}" mode = ModeFlag[mode] si_cls = SpectralIndex.subtypes.resolve(mode) return si_cls(**kwargs)
@staticmethod def from_dict(d: dict[str, t.Any]) -> SpectralIndex: d_copy = pinttr.interpret_units(d, ureg=ureg) return**d_copy) @staticmethod def convert(value: t.Any) -> SpectralIndex: if isinstance(value, SpectralIndex): return value elif isinstance(value, dict): return SpectralIndex.from_dict(value) else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot convert {value} to a spectral index.")
[docs] @SpectralIndex.subtypes.register(ModeFlag.SPECTRAL_MODE_MONO) @define(eq=False, frozen=True, slots=True) class MonoSpectralIndex(SpectralIndex): """ Monochromatic spectral index. See Also -------- :class:`CKDSpectralIndex` """ w: pint.Quantity = documented( pinttr.field( default=550.0 * ureg.nm, units=ucc.deferred("wavelength"), on_setattr=None, ), doc="Wavelength.\n\nUnit-enabled field (default: ucc[wavelength]).", type="quantity", init_type="quantity or float", default="550.0 nm", ) @w.validator def _w_validator(self, attribute, value): # wavelength must be a scalar quantity validators.on_quantity(validators.is_scalar)(self, attribute, value) # wavelength msut be positive validators.is_positive(self, attribute, value) @property def formatted_repr(self) -> str: return f"{self.w:g~P}" @property def as_hashable(self) -> float: return float(self.w.m_as(ureg.nm))
[docs] @SpectralIndex.subtypes.register(ModeFlag.SPECTRAL_MODE_CKD) @define(eq=False, frozen=True, slots=True) class CKDSpectralIndex(SpectralIndex): """ CKD spectral index. See Also -------- :class:`MonoSpectralIndex` """ w: pint.Quantity = documented( pinttr.field( default=550.0 * ureg.nm, units=ucc.deferred("wavelength"), on_setattr=None, ), doc="Bin center wavelength.\n\nUnit-enabled field (default: ucc[wavelength]).", type="quantity", init_type="quantity or float", default="550.0 nm", ) @w.validator def _w_validator(self, attribute, value): # wavelength must be a scalar quantity validators.on_quantity(validators.is_scalar)(self, attribute, value) # wavelength magnitude must be positive validators.is_positive(self, attribute, value.magnitude) g: float = documented( attrs.field( default=0.0, validator=attrs.validators.instance_of(float), converter=float, ), doc="g value.", type="float", init_type="float", default="0.0", ) @g.validator def _g_validator(self, attribute, value): # g value must be between 0 and 1 if not 0.0 <= value <= 1.0: raise ValueError(f"{attribute} must be between 0 and 1, got {value}") @property def formatted_repr(self) -> str: return f"{self.w:g~P}:{self.g:g}" @property def as_hashable(self) -> t.Tuple[float, float]: return (float(self.w.m_as(ureg.nm)), self.g)